28. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien, Choucha: Volonteers gesucht für Refugee Status Determination in Tunisia – Fahamu · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags:

PROJECT: Refugee Status Determination in Tunisia – Fahamu Refugee Project

Dear All,

Please see below an exciting new project. In brief: The Fahamu Refugee Project http://www.refugeelegalaidinformation.org/about-us-0 is seeking 3 to 6 volunteers to work on a project that aims to support the remaining refugees from the former Choucha Refugee Camp in Southern Tunisia – particularly the approximately 300 refugees who have been refused refugee status on appeal by UNHCR and whose files are officially ‘closed’.

via PROJECT: Refugee Status Determination in Tunisia – Fahamu Refugee Project | Banyan: SOAS Advocates

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