12. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „‚It is better to go to jail‘: the African migrants being forced from Israel“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Israel · Tags: ,

The Guardian | 12.02.2018

Thousands of asylum seekers face a dilemma: leave Israel with a cash sum or be imprisoned. Many say jail is the only option

Outside a detention centre deep in Israel’s Negev desert, a small group of African asylum seekers are sitting at a weathered picnic table, hugging themselves in the cold winter sun.

The three men, all Eritreans, are faced with a catch-22. Like some 40,000 other African people, largely from Sudan and Eritrea, they have been told that if their application for asylum fails, they must either leave Israel within three months with a lump cash sum or face imprisonment.

And like many who are afraid to return to their country of origin, they say they will choose jail rather than leave.

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12. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Tunesien: Erneut hunderte Festnahmen bei Protesten in Tunesien“ · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags:

DW | 11.01.2018

Bei gewaltsamen Protesten in Tunesien sind nach Regierungsangaben wieder mehrere hundert Menschen festgenommen worden. Inzwischen setzt die Regierung in den größeren Städten das Militär ein.

In Tunesien ist es die dritte Nacht in Folge in mehreren Orten zu Zusammenstößen zwischen Demonstranten und Sicherheitskräften gekommen. Plünderer hätten die sozialen Proteste gegen das neue Finanzgesetz und steigende Preise ausgenutzt, sagte ein Sprecher des tunesischen Innenministeriums.

328 Menschen seien festgenommen worden, weil sie öffentliches oder privates Eigentum beschädigt oder sich an Plünderungen beteiligt hätten, so der Sprecher weiter. Seit Beginn der gewaltsamen Proteste Anfang der Woche seien insgesamt mehr als 600 Menschen festgenommen worden.

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12. Januar 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Belgium in Uproar Over Torture of Sudanese It Deported“ · Kategorien: Sudan · Tags: ,

New York Times | 10.01.2018


BRUSSELS — A Belgian official’s decision to expel several Sudanese migrants late last year — several of whom say they were tortured when they went back home — has roiled Belgium’s politics, reflecting not only the fraught migration debate in Western Europe but also the divisions that have made the country notoriously difficult to govern.

The official, Theo Francken, is a 39-year-old Flemish nationalist who in 2014 was appointed secretary of state for asylum and migration. He is known for making incendiary comments about migrants; in September, he apologized for using the term “cleaning up” about a police operation in which several undocumented immigrants were arrested. The term was condemned as xenophobic.

Supporters and critics alike have called Mr. Francken “the Flemish Trump.”

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