26. Februar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Testimonies of the Violence at the Hungarian-Serbian border · Kategorien: Serbien, Ungarn · Tags: , ,

Migszol | 19.02.2017

Testimony #6 – Cold

At a night in January I made an attempt to cross the Hungarian border. 48 people were with me, but 9 of them got scared just before the border fence and decided to go back. The rest of us succeeded and managed to get across the border onto the Hungarian side.

We were walking through the forest about 15 kilometers north of the border when we heard cars coming and decided to hide. 4 marked police cars arrived. There were around 15 policemen with trained dogs, heat-sensors and handguns. They saw us in the light. They rounded us up, and released dogs on us.

Then, without asking any questions first, the police officers started kicking and beating us. Afterwards they searched each of us, checking pockets and backpacks, destroying money and smartphones. Money was shred up in front of our faces, smartphones smashed on the ground. Policemen took out batteries and SIM cards from each phone and destroyed them separately.

Then they collected all the warm clothing we had: jackets, gloves, hats, scarves, shoes and socks, leaving us only in light jumpers and trousers. Every person who wore more than one pair of trousers was told to take them off.
Meanwhile, one more police car came. Newly arrived officers joined the rest. They hit one of my friends with a stick, severely cutting his head. Then they ordered all of us to sit in a line, with our legs spread, hands on our knees and bowed heads, and started pouring the water they had found in the bags on our heads and clothes.

After that they ordered one man to stand up with his hands behind his back. One of the police officers grabbed him by his collar, threw him on the ground and put a gun against his head. When the victim started crying and begging for mercy the officer took his gun away while another policeman put his leg on the man’s neck and held him down so others could kick him.

Then everyone had the dogs released on them again. When we were trying to back off to escape the dogs, police officers were on the other side of us, kicking us back towards the dogs. This was repeated several times. In the meantime, some policemen were drinking tea in the car observing and laughing at us.

When the ‚game‘ was over they put us in police cars and drove back to the Serbian border. They set the air-conditioning to maximum in order to lower the temperature. We were brought back to the border where we were forced to read aloud a statement showed to us on a piece of paper, written in Urdu (there were also versions in Pashto and Farsi), saying that we crossed the border illegally and that we didn’t experience any verbal or physical violence from the Hungarian side. Those who didn’t read loud enough were yelled at and threatened. While reading the statements, we were recorded by the officers.

Afterwards, at around 8 in the morning, we were passed over to the Serbian side. The Serbians received us and ordered us to go towards Horgos, but as we knew there’s no shelter in Horgos except for the unofficial camp at the transit zone. Only some of us got their wet shoes or socks back, so we took off some of the remaining clothes we had and wrapped them around our feet before starting to walk backwards.
The temperature was down to -7 degrees at the time and it was snowing.

Testimony #5

I crossed the Hungarian border in a group of 40 people. Some of us ran through the border and ran away. 14 people including me stayed behind and got caught. 6 or 7 police cars came with 2 or 4 police officers in each of them. They had 2 dogs with them. The first thing they did was spraying our eyes with teargas. Then they made me and 3 other people take our shoes off and stand in the snow. They were hitting us with police batons and kicking. Policemen were wearing dark blue uniforms. Two of them were dressed differently, they had some kind of military trousers on. I can’t tell you how they looked like. They don’t let us look at their faces, if you look at them they hit you and say: “put your head down!” One of them was tall, skinny and had a beard about an inch long and a moustache. He was the one hitting us the most. Another one was older and fat, he had a dog. They told us to put our hands up. When you put your hands down they would hit you. We were standing in the snow, and they took our hats.

They took us to a police van. There was 6 or 7 cars in total, but they put us in one van. When we drove to the border two other cars went with us. At the border they took us out of the van and made us form a line again. Then they released dogs on us. They took pictures and videos of us. They were filming our shoes and faces. They made us read aloud a paper saying that we need to come through legal ways. I couldn’t read myself but my friend did.

Testimony #4

About one week ago I crossed the Hungarian border, sometime around midnight. We were between 30 and 35 people, there were 4 or 5 minors and 10 to 15 people my age and older. We got through in the first try and we kept on walking for about 2 hours. We saw a helicopter above us, it had a flashing light and they saw us. There was about 40 police officers and there were some women with them. We hid in an apple orchard between the trees but they found us. They caught us, they didn’t say anything, just started hitting us. They were kicking us as well. They didn’t ask any questions beforehand. They were beating us for half an hour. Sometimes they were hitting us with black batons sometimes kicking us. I got kicked right in the stomach. There was a tall man, he was hitting us the most. They had 3 or 4 dogs and were using them to scare us, releasing them on us and pulling them back. They made us take our clothes off and searched our pockets and our things. Anything that was in our bags they kicked it out. When we tried to take our clothes back they were kicking us. Out of fear we just left our things there.

Then they took us to the van and forced us in by kicking us and hitting us with batons on our shoulders and backs. They took us to the border and got us out of the van. They were grabbing us and pulling us out. They were still hitting and slapping us. They made us stand in a line again at the border and took individual pictures of our faces. 4 or 5 of us had to read a paper but I wasn’t one of them. The paper said: “You came illegally, why did you come illegally?” They opened the gate and kicked us out or pushed us out by grabbing us by the head. A Serbian police car arrived. They used to ask us if Hungarians have beaten us but this time they didn’t.

We went to Horgos camp. Nobody asked us anything. Nobody asked if we were ok, if we were beaten. After this all our clothes were ripped and we slept outside. From the moment they caught us to the moment they deported us they were continuously beating us. The sun was rising when we entered into Serbia.

​I haven’t told you any lies I have not exaggerated anything. They hit little kids, they hit little kids so much that they were crying. This is the whole story. We pray that god saves us from this hardship. We’ve come here and our lives are worse than they were when we were at home. Even dogs have a better life here. We’ve never thought that we could ever be treated this way and that anyone could ever treat us that badly. We’ve left our small children at home for the chance of their lives getting better, but all that has happened is that our lives have gotten worse. How can I tell you… Where can we go? We can’t go forward we can’t go backwards. We’re in such a horrible situation. Nobody understands us. Nobody speaks our language.

Testimony #3 – The Helicopter

About one week ago, in January I crossed the Hungarian border. It was very cold that night but it wasn’t snowing. We went before the snow. I was in a group of 42-45 people. There were 3 or 4 minors amongst us and 5 to 10 elderly people. It was after midnight when the fence got cut and we got through. We were still in the first jungle when we looked back and saw a police car about one kilometer behind us, right in the spot where the fence has been cut. The police saw that. We carried on walking for about one hour, then we saw a main road in front of us. There was a lot of houses alongside it and people living there put their lights on to see who is passing by.

There was a jungle on the other side of the road. We saw police cars there, with their lights on. We saw them from quite far ahead. Policemen were walking through the jungle with their flashlights and we realised they were looking for us. Meanwhile a helicopter came as well. Somebody said we need to hide so we went to the only place we could do that, a field next to the road. They were looking for us for 20-25 minutes. A lot of them, 30-40 people. The helicopter flew above us and they saw us in its light. It flew around one more time to see if there was anyone else around and flew away.

5 minutes later the police came to us. We were all sitting. I thought that if I’ll be in the middle of the group I won’t get beaten as badly as people on the outside. I got up and moved to the middle. The policemen came to us and started shouting really loudly. Horrible screams and shouts that scared us. Every one of them had a stick and they went around hitting all the refugees not once, not twice but numerous times. They were kicking us in the same time. We were all sitting at that point and they kept hitting and kicking us for 15-20 minutes. Some of us got hit so bad that they kept crying very very loudly. They’ve been beaten so badly.

First they were hitting us all in the group, after they started doing it individually. You would think that they wouldn’t hit the elderly and the minors but they it them just as much. They didn’t even bother to see who was older and who was younger, they just started hitting us right away. There was one man. He wasn’t in our group, they caught him separately. They were beating him for 30 minutes. They were asking: “Where is the rest of your group?”, and he didn’t know. They grabbed him and smashed his head against the ground breaking his teeth. Blood was coming out of his ears and from his nose. His mouth was cut where the teeth broke. When they dropped us in Serbia he was done, he couldn’t move. He just lied down on the ground. We carried him to the Horgos transit zone and they let him stay the night there.

The policemen were humiliating us and laughing at us . They were beating us and joking while doing it. They were saying: “Fuck you! Fuck muslims! Muslims are animals”. They put us all in a line and made us sit down. They were asking each of us where we were from. During this they were still hitting us. It didn’t matter if you were in the beginning or in the middle of the line. Whenever they felt like hitting you they would hit you. If one of us was sitting in a different way or if the line wasn’t straight they would drag them out of the line they would beat them and push them back saying: “Sit straight!”. In my whole life I’ve never been that scared. I’ve never been beaten this way and I’ve never seen anyone that was beaten this way.

They’ve started searching through our belongings. They looked in our jackets. Threw our bags on the ground and used their legs to rummage through them, to see what we’ve got. They kicked everything out and said: “Pack your bags back up again!” They gave us only few seconds to do that, when somebody wasn’t doing it fast enough they would hit them again saying: “Faster!” They made us take our clothes off during that time and they were still beating us.

Then they made us sit again and gave us our clothes back. They brought a police van around. There was a small sitting compartment inside and they made us sit in there. They took us to Horgos and got us out of the van. There was a police dog in front of the door and every time somebody would get out the dog would jump on them, barking and scaring them. They made us stand in a line again and one of the policemen held a can of tear gas. Then we saw a police car coming from the Serbian side so he didn’t use it. The car stood at the border on the Serbian side.

They gave us a paper and asked which language we speak. The paper we were made to read aloud said: “We crossed the Hungarian border illegally. We now know that we can go legally through a transit zone”, and “if we experienced any violence we can report that” , but there was no number or information how we can do that. They were filming us as we were reading.
Afterwards they deported us. The sun had risen when we entered into Serbia. That’s how long they’d spent with us. The Serbian police didn’t ask us if we got beaten. In the early days they used to ask us but now they don’t anymore. They pointed us in the direction of Horgos. We tried to speak to them but they just told us to go. Nobody asks us. Nobody wants to listen to us.

Testimony #2 -‚Hello my friend‘

I crossed the Hungarian border with 40 other people. Behind the border fence we started walking very fast for about five minutes. Then me and 11 others sat down, while the remaining 28 walked ahead.

Between 12 and 14 police officers arrived; some in a car, some by walking. They had torches and were looking for us. We stood up and they came to us, started kicking us and hitting us on the ribs with police batons. I don’t know what the batons were made of but they were black, heavy and very hard. Then the police made us walk us away from the dry ground we were sitting on before and forced us to sit in a big puddle of water, about 2 inches deep. They told us to put our hands up in the air and came running to us, hitting us on our heads with batons. They made us take off our hats and gloves. When my hands got cold I tried to put them in my pockets but they didn’t let me. They were shouting: “Take your hands out!”, and made me unzip my jacket. They emptied our pockets and destroyed our phones by smashing them on the ground with their heels.

We were still sitting down in the puddle when they came behind each of us saying: “Hello my friend”. When we turned to look at them, we were sprayed in the eyes. Then one of them, a fat man with a beard and moustache, let the dogs loose on us. He was always with a dog between his legs. The dogs were climbing and clawing on us.
Then police started hitting us with batons again. They hit me twice in the back, twice in the head and on my fingers. There were other policemen I didn’t get to see. When they sprayed me my head went down. Afterwards, every time I tried to look at them they would hit me in the head. They made us look down like this [lowers his head]. They said we must stay like this. They said: “Don’t look up!” They were hitting us very hard.

They made us sit in water for about one and a half hours. Afterwards they put us in the police van – a regular marked one with sirens on top. There was a small area separated with a net and they made us get in there. On the other side of the net they had dogs. They use batons to get us in as there was not enough space for all. One of us stood outside, he couldn’t get in on his own but they forced him inside by pushing and hitting. Then they closed the door and drove us to the border gate.

When we got out they made us stand in a line again. A new man arrived and started spraying us, he was wearing a different type of uniform with something black and white on it. It was like an army uniform. The rest of them had dark blue uniforms. This spray was different than the first one. It made my eyes hurt. The first one they’d used made me cough and want to vomit. I was coughing a lot. I was in the front of the line when they started spraying us.
They asked why we tried to cross the border. They made a video of me. I was told to read aloud a statement that was on a hook on the border gate while they filmed me. After I finished reading, one of the policemen pushed me to the other side. When we all read the statement they opened the gate and said: “Go!”. So we started to walk back.

Testimony #1 -‚No Hungary for you‘

I crossed the Hungarian border on a day in January. There were 55 of us in the group at the beginning and we all crossed over onto the Hungarian side. Then we separated and 12 of us, including myself, got caught by the Hungarian police about 2 kilometers from the border fence. Four policemen approached us in a marked police car, they had two dogs with them. First thing they did was to spray our eyes with tear gas so we couldn’t see clearly. I tried so hard to open my eyes and remember their faces or numbers on their uniforms but the tear gas made it impossible. I can only say that they were young men, age 20-22 and that their uniforms were blue. They asked about our nationality and started shouting: “No Hungary for you!”, calling us terrorists, Taliban, etc.

Meanwhile two other police cars came with 8 men and 4 dogs. I remember one of them was an older, fat man. They had us all sit in a puddle, knee deep. One of us, a 13 year old boy couldn’t stop crying because of the tear gas so they moved him from the front to the back of the line, so he was sitting next to me. He kept crying and they were laughing at him and hitting him with police batons saying: “Shut up! Shut up!”. He was the youngest of us but there were three other minors in the group.

The policemen ordered us to put our hands up and open our jackets so they could hit us on ribs and stomachs. Some of them were using plastic batons while the rest was armed with metal ones. Afterwards they searched us, one man at the time, while the rest of us remained sitting in water. They had each of us stand up so they could remove our warm clothing, jackets, gloves, hats, trousers (if someone was wearing more than one pair). They destroyed the dinars they found on us and put our euros in their pockets. They smashed our phones on the ground.

During the search we had to hold our hands up in the air in the strong, cold wind. After the search was done they still had us sitting in the puddle, but this time ordered us to put our hands on the next person’s shoulders and started hitting us on our ribs with police batons. One of the policeman stood on B.’s shoulders and started laughing and jumping on him. Then they told us to stand up but keep the line and released the dogs on us from the right side. When some of us tried to move to run away from the dogs, they were beaten again and forced back to the line. They kept laughing and shouting: “Keep the line, keep the line!”.

Then they called the dogs off but told us to remain in line. They went behind us so we couldn’t see them and started tapping us on the shoulders. Anytime one of us turned around to look at them, the policeman would say: “Hello!”, and spray tear gas in our eyes again. They didn’t let us clean our faces, saying that they should stay that way. Afterwards they took us to the police van, hitting our calves with batons when we were walking. They didn’t let us enter the part of the van meant for transporting people, instead they crammed us in the luggage space, hitting and pushing us in order to do so, as there was not enough space for 12 people there.

They took our backpacks out, threw away all the water and food they found. Hard fruits such as apples and oranges were thrown in our faces. Then we were transported to the gate. There was not enough space to sit so we had to stand all the way. Another Hungarian policemen came with keys to open the gate but then an older man in a different, military uniform approached us telling the rest to wait. He took out his can of gas and sprayed our faces again. Then the policemen took pictures of us ordering us to open our eyes. As we couldn’t do so because of the tear gas, they started hitting us again, forcing us to look into the camera. Then they brought us to the fence, and said: “This is your language, read!”. There was a sign on the border fence which we were forced to read aloud, saying that we didn’t experience any physical or verbal abuse from Hungarian authorities. They recorded each of us reading. At the time we were saying that we hadn’t experienced any abuse the dogs were released on us again, just circling around our legs, below the point where the camera could see them. Then they let us through the fence and ordered us to go back to Serbia. There was no Serbian police on the other side. The whole thing lasted around 2 hours. ​

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