28. November 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Macedonian army builds fence on Greek border“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Griechenland, Mazedonien · Tags:

Quelle: Reuters

  • Soldiers drive metal poles into ground on border
  • Macedonia says not closing border completely
  • Buildup at border of migrants denied passage (Updates with government spokesman)

By Yannis Behrakis and Kole Casule

IDOMENI, Greece/SKOPJE, Nov 28 (Reuters) – Soldiers in Macedonia began erecting a metal fence on Saturday on the country’s southern border with Greece, but the government said it had no plans to seal off access to refugees fleeing war and heading to western Europe.

Soldiers drove metal poles around 3 metres high into the cold, muddy ground, building a barrier similar to that erected by Hungary on its southern border to keep out the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have crossed the Balkans this year.

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28. November 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Greece stresses its role before refugee summit“ · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland, Mazedonien, Türkei · Tags:

Quelle: Ekathimerini

A migrant holds his crying child after crossing the border from Greece to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, on Friday, as weather conditions across the region took a turn for the worse.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Friday emphasized Greece’s decisive role in managing a refugee crisis, declaring that the country is “guarding the European Union’s borders.”

Tsipras’s comments, made to state television channel ERT3, came as pressure grows on Greece due to an influx of migrants arriving on Aegean islands from Turkey.

“Greece is making a multifaceted effort to tackle the refugee crisis,” Tsipras said, adding that the country is “honoring its European obligations to create centers for the reception and identification of refugees.”

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28. November 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Pakistan setzt Rückübernahmeabkommen mit EU aus · Kategorien: Europa · Tags: , ,

Quelle: Mail Online

Pakistan suspends EU migrant readmission agreement over ‚misuse‘

Pakistan Friday announced it had suspended its agreement on the readmission of illegal immigrants with European Union countries, except Britain, because of its „blatant misuse“, state media reported.

The 2010 agreement aimed to facilitate the return of Pakistani illegal immigrants and other nationals who had transited through Pakistan before arriving in the EU.

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28. November 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Refugees als billige Arbeitskräfte willkommen“ · Kategorien: Deutschland

Quelle: Telepolis

Während die Flüchtlingsunterstützer noch immer hauptsächlich mit moralischen Argumenten hantieren, geht es bei der Wirtschaft um die weitere Senkung des Arbeitslohns

von Peter Nowak

„Refugees Welcome, aber ohne Mindestlohn“, so hätte die Devise am Arbeitgebertag 2015 lauten können, der in dieser Woche in Berlin tagte. Arbeitgeberpräsident Ingo Kramer wiederholte dort seine Forderung, den Mindestlohn für Flüchtlinge auszusetzen. Dabei wollte er nicht von einer Sonderregelung reden. Er will sich vielmehr an der Regelung für Langzeitarbeitslose orientieren, bei denen der Mindestlohn ebenfalls ausgesetzt werden kann.

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