27. November 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Call out for solidarity statements and pictures for Idomeni · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Griechenland, Mazedonien · Tags:

Solidarity with the protesters and hunger strikers in Idomeni!

We are currently setting up an Infopoint for the people who are pushed back at the Greek-Macedonian Border in Idomeni.

In order to show the people who are protesting that their calls are being heard and their struggle is recognised in Europe and across the world, we are asking for individuals and groups to send statements of solidarity: small moments of support for those fighting for their freedom of movement. Declarations of unity to those struggling against Fortress Europe.

Send us whatever sign of support comes to your mind. We will be present in Idomeni with printer, megaphone and camera. We will print all statement, photographs and poems. Play the words of solidarity. And report back on what happens.

Let us prove that no fence, no wall and no military presence can seal borders. Let us be there to show support and solidarity to those in struggle. And if not in person, than in word, picture and sound. Send us your solidarity call to freemovementinfocar@riseup.net or post it on our Facebook page.

Walls fall only when those shacking their foundations are being heard!

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