06. November 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Informations about transitroutes from Germany to Schweden · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:

There are four different transit routes to sweden (and from sweden to norway and finland). Since the capacities of ferries and trains are limited, all of the routes have to be used simultaneously in order to ensure that people don’t get stuck on the way.

Most of the refugees and migrants arrive at the main station in Hamburg where volunteers give information about the onward travel opportunities, organize sleeping facilities and provide warm meals. The volunteers wear yellow vests with „refugees welcome“ written on them.

Further information at https://www.facebook.com/Antira-HBF-Support-1482168948776368

Via train (Flensburg-Copenhagen-Malmoe)

Sometimes there are problems with the danish police that stop people and force them either to register in Denmark or to travel back to Germany. Latest news about the situation via volunteers from Flensburg that are constantly on the spot: https://www.facebook.com/refugeeswelcomeflensburg

As far as we know, from Copenhagen onward it is possible to reach Sweden without any further incident.

Ferry Kiel – Goteborg

In Kiel, daily 75 refugees and migrants can travel onward by ferry to Goteborg. There are facilities for refugees and migrants in transit. It can take a couple of days until they get their departure tickets, but the facilities are relatively well equipped.
Contact via https://www.facebook.com/Dublin.kiel

Ferries Rostock – Trelleborg and Sassnitz – Trelleborg

In Rostock the maximum capacity for travels to Trelleborg by ferry is 500 persons per day. There are public sleeping facilities and volunteers who help organising the transit.
Contact via https://www.facebook.com/hrohilft

Ferries Luebeck – Travemuende – Trelleborg and Luebeck – Travemuende – Malmoe

Refugees and migrants in transit are being fetched at the main station by volunteers (in most cases accompanied by translators) and brought to our solidarity center (about 10 min. walking distance, but for people who have difficulties to walk and small children a car transfer can be organised). About 120 people can sleep the solidarity center and warm meals are provided as well as clothes, medical surveillance, the organisation of the onward ferry ticcket and the transport to the ferry dock in Travemuende.

The contribution to the ferry tickets we have to collect is 40 Euro per adult and 20 Euro for youths, if there are higher costs or someone cannot contribute the amount we can fund tickets via donations. All other services are free.

The solidarity center is organised by antiracist-activists and works independently from government structures. There is no police or security service at the center.

The ferries take 120-300 refugees and migrants per day. Since sleeping facilities in the solidarity center are limited we advice to pass at Hamburg main station in order to get information how to get to Sweden the easiest.

Contac via

Adress: Solidaritätszentrum für Geflüchtete im Transit, Willy-Brandt-Allee 9, 23554 Lübeck

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