Quelle: European Commission
Draft Action Plan: Stepping up EU-Turkey cooperation on support of refugees and migration management in view of the situation in Syria and Iraq
Brussels, 6 October 2015
This Action Plan reflects the agreement between the EU and the Republic of Turkey to step up their cooperation on support of refugees and migration management to address the unprecedented refugee crisis.
This Action Plan reflects the agreement between the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Turkey to step up their cooperation on support of refugees and migration management in a coordinated effort to address the unprecedented refugee crisis created by the situation in Syria and Iraq. It follows from the EU-Turkey working dinner on 17 May and the informal meeting of the EU Heads of State or Government on 23 September 2015 where EU leaders called for a reinforced dialogue with Turkey at all levels. The Action Plan identifies a series of collaborative actions to be implemented as a matter of urgency by the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Turkey with the objective to assist Turkey in managing the situation of massive influx of refugees and preventing uncontrolled migratory flows from Turkey to the EU.
This Action Plan was elaborated jointly by the EU and Turkey. It constitutes an integral part of the on-going political dialogue and cooperation between the EU and Turkey. It builds upon the existing EU-Turkey relations, policy dialogue and cooperation instruments, and, more generally Turkey’s EU accession process. This includes in particular the visa liberalisation dialogue, the EU-Turkey readmission agreement and the EU instruments for the provision of financial assistance to Turkey. The implementation of this Action Plan would also contribute to accelerate Turkey’s fulfilment of the visa liberalisation roadmap benchmarks.
The Action Plan, which contains both short-term and medium term measures, tries to address the current crisis situation in two ways: (a) by supporting the refugees and their host communities in Turkey (Part I) and (b) by strengthening cooperation to prevent irregular migration flows to the EU (Part II). It builds on and is consistent with commitments taken by Turkey and the EU in other contexts notably the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue. In both parts it identifies the actions that are to be implemented simultaneously by Turkey and the EU.
The implementation of the Action Plan will allow the EU and Turkey to:
Under Part I of the action plan:
- Cover further emergency needs by providing immediate humanitarian assistance to the refugees;
- Alleviate the burden undertaken by the Turkish society to host more than 2.2 million refugees;
- Create better living conditions and medium and long-term perspectives for the refugees in Turkey; and
- Address key factors that push the refugees to move from Turkey to the EU through irregular channels in search of alternative places of asylum.
Under Part 2 of the Action Plan:
- Prevent further arrivals of irregular migrants to Turkey and irregular departures of refugees and migrants from Turkey to the EU;
- Prevent losses of lives at sea by intensified search and rescue operations;
- Step up the fight against criminal networks involved in the smuggling of migrants; and
- Ensure prompt return to the point of origin of irregular migrants who are not in need of international protection and who were apprehended by the law enforcement agencies of the EU
- Member States or Turkey and support the reintegration of returnees to the countries of origin.
The implementation of the Action Plan is set to start immediately; it will be jointly steered and monitored by the European Commission and the High Representative / Vice President and the Turkish government through the establishment of the EU-Turkey high-level dialogue on migration. […]