07. Oktober 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für EU-Geheimplan: 400.000 festnehmen und abschieben · Kategorien: Europa · Tags:

Laut der britischen Times liegt für die morgige EU-Innenministerkonferenz ein Geheimplan vor: Demnach sollen in den kommenden Wochen 400.000 Menschen abgeschoben werden. Wenn sich die Herkunftslaender weigern, sie aufzunehmen, sind drastische EU-Gegenmittel geplant. Falls nicht sofort abgeschoben werden kann, soll es zu Massenfestnahmen kommen, um das Untertauchen der Bedrohten zu verhindern. Deportiert werden sollen vor allem AfrikanerInnen. Niger wird als Aufnahmeland genannt.

Quelle: The Times

Secret EU plan to throw out thousands of migrants

Hundreds of thousands of failed asylum seekers will be deported from Europe within weeks under secret plans leaked to The Times.

Brussels will threaten to withdraw aid, trade deals and visa arrangements if countries such as Niger and Eritrea refuse to take back their economic migrants. The proposals also envisage EU states detaining thousands of migrants to prevent them from absconding to avoid deportation. […]


Quelle: La Repubblica

Migranti, il Times: „Piano segreto per espellerne 400mila“

Secondo il giornale britannico, l’operazione dovrebbe avere il via libera domani, nel vertice dei ministri dell’Interno Ue

LONDRA – Bruxelles sta preparando il pugno di ferro nei confronti dei migranti. O almeno di quelli economici. A scriverlo è il britannico Times, che parla di un vero e proprio piano segreto preparato dai vertici Ue. Oltre 400.000 migranti entrati nell’Unione europea nei primi sei mesi del 2015 – e la cui richiesta di asilo è stata respinta – saranno espulsi e reimpatriati nei loro Paesi d’origine entro le prossime settimane. In caso di rifuto dei Paesi d’origine – rivela il giornale – Bruxelles ricorrerà alla minaccia di ritirare aiuti o respingere richieste di visti. L’operazione potrebbe coinvolgere Paesi come il Niger e l’Eritrea se rifiuteranno di riprendersi i loro migranti economici.

L’accordo prevede anche la detenzione preventiva di quanti debbono essere espulsi per timore che in attesa dell’attuazione del provvedimento possano fuggire, come accade in circa il 60% dei casi. La bozza dell’intesa dovrebbe essere discussa domani, giovedì 8 ottobre, al vertice dei ministri degli Interni sull’immigrazione.


siehe auch: Independent

Hundreds of thousands of failed asylum seekers could be deported under secret EU plans

The proposals could lead to EU states detaining thousands of economic migrants

Samuel Osborne

Hundreds of thousands of failed asylum seekers could be deported from Europe within weeks, according to leaked secret plans.
Under the proposals, Brussels will threaten to withdraw aid, trade deals and visa arrangements if countries such as Niger and Eritrea refuse to take back their economic migrants.

The proposals could lead to EU states detaining thousands of economic migrants to prevent them from avoiding deportation, according to the secret plans leaked to The Times.

More than 400,000 people who entered the EU in the first half of this year are expected to have their asylum claims rejected.

Home Secretary Theresa May is expected to back the plan despite Britain being a non-Schengen country, according to The Times, especially if it means camps in Calais will be cleared as a result.

Under the proposals, a special unit of the EU border agency, Frontex, will be created to assist with deportations.

Countries which do not enforce international refugee rules by deporting „irregular migrants“ could face legal action and fines from the European Commission.

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