11. Juli 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien: Ferry for Freedom – 06.09.2015 · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags: , , ,

Ferry for Freedom

In the face of migration policies that hamper millions of people in the world to move freely and to seek asylum in Europe without risking to die in the Mediterranean, the Tunisian association formed by the families of the Tunisian missing migrants, La Terre pour Tous, organizes on the 6th September FERRY FOR FREEDOM, an „illegal“ depart from the Tunisian coasts to  enact freedom of movement against the deadly effects of the Visa regime, demanding legal and free access to Europe, as claimed by the campaign “Ferry not Frontex”.

The boat will leave from Hammamet on the 6th of September and we ask all the people and associations in Europe and in Tunisia that struggle for freedom of movement and migrant rights to join and support the event.

  • For more information: Imed Soltani (association La Terre pour tous) : association_laterrepourtout@yahoo.com
  • Phone contact : 00216 22157103
  • You find here the link to the crowdfunding page for donations: lepotcommun.fr

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