11. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Zirkulation der Waren, aber nicht der Personen: Europa verbarrikadiert seine Grenzen“ – Le Monde · Kategorien: Europa, Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: , ,

Circulation des biens et pas des personnes : L’Europe barricade ses frontières

Écrit par Madjd Laribi

L’Europe se barricade, se fortifie, se ferme de plus en plus sur elle-même. Elle laisse passer, circuler librement les capitaux, mais elle bloque tous ceux qui cherchent une vie décente, qui fuient les horreurs de la guerre. Pourtant, le premier article des droits de l’Homme est le droit à la vie ! Le dernier exemple édifiant qui montre la fermeture de l’Europe sur elle-même est le mur que la Bulgarie est en train d’ériger sur ses frontières avec la Turquie. Sur un tracé de 30 kilomètres et avec une hauteur de 3 mètres, le rempart bulgare sera, dès son achèvement dans quelques mois, le plus long mur construit en Europe pour freiner l’immigration. Le premier a été dressé, en 1998 au Maroc, dans les enclaves espagnoles Ceuta et Melilla. Il est haut de 6 mètres.
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11. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italienische militärische Fahndung u. Festnahmen kommerzieller libyscher Fluchthelfer · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , , ,


Italian navy arrests 16 human traffickers off Libya

ROME – The Italian navy said Sunday it has arrested 16 human traffickers aboard a so-called „mother ship“ in international waters off Libya.
Submarine surveillance ahead of Saturday’s raid was „of particular importance, notably for gathering proof“ against the traffickers, it said in a statement.
The fishing boat served as a staging area from which the traffickers dispatched their clients – Syrian migrants seeking asylum or a better life – aboard smaller, often rickety vessels to destinations in southern Europe.
The boat had been under surveillance, including by drones, hi-tech radars, night-vision equipment and the submarine, under stepped-up operations launched after two shipwrecks last month claimed some 500 lives.
It was located some 500 kilometers [300 miles] southeast of Sicily, near Libya, the navy said.
Also Saturday, the navy rescued 176 Syrian migrants from one of the boats dispatched by the „mother ship,“ it said.
The navy said the „mother ship“ itself had sunk after it took on water while being towed towards an Italian port.

11. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Südgrenze: EUBAM und EU Diplomaten vor Ort · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags: , , ,


European diplomats show support for border security with Ghadames visit

Head of the EU Delegation to Libya, Natalya Apostolova, and Head of EUBAM Libya, Antti Hartikainen visiting the Triangle (Photo: Francesca Marretta, EUBAM Libya)

The historic border town of Ghadames welcomed a high-profile delegation from Tripoli last week, including the Maltese and Dutch Ambassadors, and the Portuguese Charge d’Affairs.

During the trip, which was organised by Ghadames Town Council and the EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM Libya), discussions were held with the local authority and security officials, as well as representatives from civil society and women’s organisations.

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10. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Video zu den Schüssen libyscher Schiffe auf 2 Boote syrischer Flüchtlinge am 11.10.2013 · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Malta, Syrien, Video · Tags: , ,


C’è un altro barcone affondato dai libici

L’11 ottobre scorso sono stati due i pescherecci colpiti dalle raffiche di mitra delle motovedette. E il conteggio delle vittime accertate è molto più grave di quanto comunicato fino ad ora




Sono due i pescherecci carichi di profughi affondati dalle motovedette libiche l’11 ottobre. Del primo barcone colato a picco a 60 miglia a Sud di Lampedusa, l’unico di cui si sapeva finora, l’Espresso ha aggiornato il conto delle vittime, raccogliendo le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti siriani arrivati in Sicilia: circa 480 persone a bordo, 212 recuperate, almeno 268 i morti, tra cui sessanta bambini dei cento partiti con i loro genitori da una spiaggia vicino ad Al Zuwarah, in Libia. Del secondo naufragio, hanno parlato altri siriani soccorsi in mare nei giorni successivi e ora in Italia: il peschereccio, con almeno 400 passeggeri, quasi tutte famiglie in fuga dalla Siria, è stato colpito dalle raffiche di mitra e si è rovesciato al largo della costa nordafricana. Ancora non è possibile sapere quanti siano i morti e i sopravvissuti. E forse non si sapranno mai.

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10. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa – Malta 11.10.2013: Überlebende Flüchtlingskinder von Eltern getrennt · Kategorien: Italien, Malta · Tags: , ,


Rescued migrants thank Malta as they leave to be reunited with children in Italy

Seven migrants who were rescued off Lampedusa and brought to Malta will be reunited with their children in Agrigento tonight.

The migrants – two couples and two fathers, one of the latter, Hatim Shabar, accompanied by his four-year-old son Haider, thanked the Maltese authorities for the rescue and for enabling them to be reunited with their children who during the same rescue operation were taken to Italy.
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10. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa: 3 Notrufe ignoriert – 268 syrische Flüchtlinge hätten am 11.10.2013 gerettet werden können · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Malta, Syrien · Tags: , ,


Lampedusa shipwreak: those 268 deads could have been avoided

di Fabrizio Gatti

The death of 268 Syrian refugees, who drowned on October 11th off the coast of Lampedusa, could have been avoided. A report conducted by “L’Espresso” has reconstructed the incredible conduct of Italian authorities and the effects of European regulations. Three distress calls via satellite were totally ignored. Two hours of waiting at sea.
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10. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien: Marine Einsätze mit „humanitären Gruppen“ als Waffenverkaufsbörse – privat gesponsert · Kategorien: Italien, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: , , ,

Private Firms Pay for Italian Ship Deployment


The Italian aircraft carrier Cavour will lead a group of vessels visiting ports in the Mideast and Africa, promoting Italian military and civilian products. (Wikimedia)

ROME — A fleet of Italian Navy vessels led by the aircraft carrier Cavour is about to set off on an unusual trip around the Middle East and Africa that will combine crew training and diplomacy with a privately funded sales trip for Italian industry.

Departing from Italy on Nov. 13, the Cavour will be loaded with sales teams from defense companies such as Finmeccanica, Fincantieri, Elettronica and Beretta, turning the vessel into a “large defense show like Le Bourget,” said Italian Defense Minister Mario Mauro at a conference announcing the mission on Nov. 5.

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08. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Frontex: brutale Kollektivabschiebungen auf offener See (pushback) – pro asyl · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: , , ,

Pushed Back – völkerrechtswidrige Zurückweisungen von Flüchtlingen an der griechisch-türkischen Land- und Seegrenze

An der griechisch-türkischen Landgrenze werden Flüchtlinge systematisch völkerrechtswidrig zurückgewiesen. PRO ASYL hat die systematischen Push Backs in dem Bericht „Pushed Back – systematic human rights violations against refugees in the aegean sea and the greek-turkish land border“ dokumentiert. Abgesehen von wenigen Ausnahmen fanden alle dokumentierten Push Backs im Operationsgebiet von Frontex statt. PRO ASYL stellt die Frage nach der Beteiligung von Frontex an den Menschenrechtsverletzungen und fordert: Frontex muss seine Operationen in Griechenland beenden. Jegliche europäische Finanzierung von Flüchtlingsabschreckung in Griechenland muss umfänglich evaluiert werden.

Bericht (engl., PDF)

Summary mit Fallberichten (deutsch, PDF)
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06. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „EU border control policies negatively affect human rights“ (Europarat) · Kategorien: Mittelmeerroute · Tags: , ,

Right to leave a country, Issue paper, Human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe, 6/11/2013 (in English):


EU border control policies negatively affect human rights

Strasbourg, 06/11/2013 – „The EU externalisation of border control policies has a deleterious effect on human rights, in particular the right to leave a country, which is a prerequisite to the enjoyment of other rights – most importantly, the right to seek asylum“, said today Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, while releasing a research paper on the right to leave a country.
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04. November 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Dokumentation Schiffe der Küstenwache (3) · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: ,

Mit eingebauten schweren Maschinengewehren:


Peschereccio, giallo sulle mitragliette
„Alla Libia motovedette prive di armi“
La Procura di Agrigento intenzionata a fare chiarezza dopo la perizia balistica dei Ris, secondo cui a sparare contro l’Ariete sarebbero state le mitragliette fisse in dotazione alle motovedette. Armi che l’Italia non ha fornito alla Libia. La Guardia di Finanza ribadisce: „Erano armi leggere“. Da Tripoli la notizia: indagato e sospeso il comandante della motovedetta libica

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