06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Frontex chief: 42% of rejected asylum seekers are deported from the EU“ · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: EurActiv | 05.01.2017

Less than half of migrants whose asylum applications have been rejected are deported, according to new statistics from EU border agency Frontex.

Forty-three percent of rejected asylum seekers are deported out of the EU, and Greek authorities have acted too slowly and are to blame for the low number of migrants currently being returned to Turkey, Frontex director Fabrice Leggeri said today (5 January) during a visit to Bavaria.

Leggeri said he expected there to be 500 refugees brought every day from Greece to Turkey under an agreement with the EU that was cemented in March 2016 to choke off the number of asylum seekers who travel to Greece with the help of illegal smugglers. But European Commission data published last month revealed that authorities have only managed to send back a fraction of that. A total of 748 migrants were sent to Turkey from the Greek islands according to 8 December statistics from the EU executive.

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06. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Bootsflüchtlinge in Italien: Ein fast unbemerkter Rekord“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , , ,

Quelle: NZZ | 05.01.2017

Mehr als 180 000 Migranten sind vergangenes Jahr über das Mittelmeer nach Italien gekommen, so viele wie noch nie. Die Aufnahmezentren sind überfüllt. Ein neuer Konflikt mit der EU ist programmiert.

Andrea Spalinger, Rom

Die Ankunft von Bootsflüchtlingen in Sizilien und anderen Regionen Süditaliens sorgt weltweit kaum mehr für Schlagzeilen. Doch der Strom der Migranten, die von Libyen aus in Richtung Europa aufbrechen, lässt nicht nach. 2016 war sogar ein neues Rekordjahr. Laut dem Uno-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) sind 181 436 Bootsflüchtlinge nach Italien gebracht worden. Im Vorjahr waren es 153 842 gewesen. Während in Griechenland nur noch wenige Boote ankommen, seit die EU im März ein Abkommen mit der Türkei geschlossen hat, herrscht auf dem Mittelmeer vor der libyschen Küste selbst im Winter Hochbetrieb. Die italienische Küstenwache, europäische Rettungskräfte und private Helfer retten noch immer täglich Hunderte von Menschen aus Seenot.

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05. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Croatia Accused of Illegally Deporting Refugees“ · Kategorien: Balkanroute, Kroatien · Tags: ,

Quelle: Balkan Insight | 04.01.2017

After the Jesuit Refugee Service accused the Croatian authorities of illegally deporting refugees, the Croatian Interior Ministry has denied that such expulsions are against international law.

Croatia has illegally deported refugees to Serbia, breaking international laws, the Jesuit Refugee Service, JRS, in the country claims.

The Catholic organisation said it had reported the Croatian Interior Ministry to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, and to the Croatian ombudsman’s office, the head of the JRS for south-eastern Europe, Tvrtko Barun, told a TV show on Tuesday.

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03. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ceuta: 2 Tote · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: , , , ,

Quelle: NZZ | 03.01.2017

Bei dem gescheiterten Sturm auf die Grenzbefestigung von Ceuta hat es offenbar zwei Tote gegeben. Die spanischen Behörden stehen im Verdacht, Asylverfahren verhindert zu haben.

von Andres Wysling

Anschuldigungen und Nachforschungen folgen auf die Ausschreitungen der Neujahrsnacht am Grenzzaun der spanischen Exklave Ceuta in Nordafrika. Es habe zwei Tote gegeben, berichtet der katholische Erzbischof von Tanger, der spanische Franziskaner Santiago Agrelo, nach einem Augenschein am Ort des Geschehens. Über hundert Migranten seien zudem rechtswidrig daran gehindert worden, Asylanträge zu stellen, rügt Amnesty International.

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22. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „IOM repatriates 140 Nigerians from Libya“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Libyen · Tags: ,

Quelle: Libya Herald | 21.12.2016

By Sami Zaptia

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) assisted 140 stranded Nigerian migrants, including 83 women and 57 men, three migrants in need of medical assistance, and six unaccompanied child migrants to voluntarily return home to Nigeria from Libya.

The IOM charter flight, which was coordinated in close cooperation with the Libyan authorities, the Nigerian Embassy and Libya’s Directorate for Combating Irregular Migration (DCIM) departed Tripoli’s Mitiga Airport at 1:20 pm on Tuesday 20 December and reached Lagos at 4:30 pm in the afternoon the same day.

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17. November 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Report on the current situation at the border between Como, IT and Chiasso, CH · Kategorien: Italien, Schweiz · Tags:

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General Situation

Eviction of the camp close to the train station
At the end of September, the authorities evicted the makeshift camp in the park close to Como San Giovanni train station, where many refugees had been sleeping and gathering. Afterwards, the people were brought to an official Red Cross/Caritas container camp close to the train station, many against their will but with no other choice. There is also a permanent police presence in the park and around the train station, where the refugees are prevented from sleeping or gathering. Therefore, many people no longer stay in Como, but in and around Milano and just travel to Como when they try to enter Switzerland.

The Caritas camp
Around 250 people are estimated to be staying in the camp at the moment. In order to be able to stay in the camp, refugees have to register as an asylum seeker and identify themselves at the local Questura. The entrance of the camp is guarded by local police. No independent observers or journalists are permitted to enter the camp.

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06. Dezember 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Spanien, Marokko: Illegale Schnellabschiebungen von Boat-people · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: , ,

Quelle: El Diario

España entrega a Marruecos a 7 inmigrantes tras llegar en patera a Chafarinas

España ha entregado a las autoridades marroquíes a siete inmigrantes de origen subsahariano que llegaron ayer a primera hora de la mañana a las Islas Chafarinas a bordo de una patera.

En declaraciones a los periodistas, el delegado del Gobierno, Abdelmalik El Barkani, ha informado hoy de que los inmigrantes, todos varones y adultos, llegaron a la Isla del Rey en torno a las 6:45 horas a bordo de una lancha neumática provista de motor, que quedó a la deriva tras haber sido rajada para provocar su hundimiento.

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01. August 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Spanien, Marokko: Schnellabschiebungen – Europäischer MR-Gerichtshof · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: ,

Quelle: ECCHR

Automatic expulsions at the Spanish-Moroccan land border under legal scrutiny

European Court of Human Rights questions Spain on “push backs” of refugees and migrants

Berlin / Madrid, 31 July 2015 – For the first time an international court will consider the unlawfulness of automatic expulsions – also known as “push backs” or “devoluciones en caliente” – at the Spanish-Moroccan land border. On 30 July 2015, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) published its first decision on a case brought by two sub-Saharan men – from Mali and the Ivory Coast respectively – who were summarily and collectively expelled from Spanish territory on 13 August 2014 as part of a group of over 75 individuals. This was not an isolated case, but the standard practice of Spanish border guards. Now, the ECtHR requests an answer from the Spanish government to the applicants’ claim that their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights were violated.

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27. Januar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien: Schnellabschiebung Boat-people nach Ägypten · Kategorien: Ägypten, Italien · Tags: , ,

The Cairo Post

24 Egyptians deported from Italy after arriving illegally

By Kate Rankin

CAIRO: A total of 24 Egyptians arrived at the Cairo International Airport Saturday after they were deported from Italy for “violating residency requirements,” according to Youm7.

The Egyptian nationals, who arrived on an Egyptian plane from Catania, told the airport’s security that they were arrested near the Italian coast.

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17. November 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien: Marokkanische Boat-people sollen abgeschoben werden · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Marokko · Tags: , ,

L’Ora Quotidiano

Maxisbarco, arrestati quattro scafisti

Il viaggio organizzato su Facebook

Presi i marinai tunisini che capitanavano le imbarcazioni con a bordo 863 migranti, tratti in salvo ieri nel Canale di Sicilia dalla nave della Marina “San Giorgio” e sbarcati a Pozzallo

di Redazione

Sono stati arrestati gli scafisti del maxisbarco che ieri ha portato sulle coste di Pozzallo 863 migranti. Sono quattro tunisini che hanno guidato altrettante imbarcazioni sovraccariche di profughi e tratti in salvo nel Canale di Sicilia dalla nave della Marina Militare “San Giorgio”. Weiterlesen »