27. Januar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italien: Schnellabschiebung Boat-people nach Ägypten · Kategorien: Ägypten, Italien · Tags: , ,

The Cairo Post

24 Egyptians deported from Italy after arriving illegally

By Kate Rankin

CAIRO: A total of 24 Egyptians arrived at the Cairo International Airport Saturday after they were deported from Italy for “violating residency requirements,” according to Youm7.

The Egyptian nationals, who arrived on an Egyptian plane from Catania, told the airport’s security that they were arrested near the Italian coast.

Egypt and Italy have been coordinating to curb illegal immigration, as Egypt’s north shore is also a destination for asylum-seekers from Syria, Palestine, and some African countries. The practice has led to incidents of human trafficking.

In March 2014, a four-day training program aiming to combat human trafficking and illegal immigration was held by the National Center for Social and Criminological Research the National Council for Human Rights.

In December 2014, the International Organization for Migration launched voluntary projects to encourage undocumented immigrations to return to Egypt.

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