07. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Wirtschaftsexperte zur Afrika-Emigration „Migrieren ist völlig normal“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Deutschland, Europa · Tags: ,

taz | 06.09.2017

Der Hauptgeschäftsführer des Afrika-Vereins der deutschen Wirtschaft erklärt, warum wir uns auf mehr Migration aus Afrika einstellen sollten.

Simone Schlindwein

taz: Herr Kannengießer, in der Debatte über Afrika als aufstrebender Kontinent geht es immer um „Humankapital“, also die große Masse an jungen Afrikanern im arbeitsfähigen Alter – und um ihre Bildung. Ein Vorschlag ist da immer das deutsche System der Berufsschulen. Ist das eine Lösung?

Die Notwendigkeit einer vernünftigen Grundbildung bleibt essentiell. Bei der Frage, wie man berufliche Bildung nach deutschem Muster hinbekommt, bin ich etwas skeptisch: Wer soll das machen? Man braucht dafür jedenfalls Investitionen, um die Ausgebildeten dann auch einstellen zu können. Wir brauchen also Firmen, die ein eigenes Interesse daran haben, Wissenstranfer nach Afrika durchzuführen. Investitionen sind der Schlüssel.

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06. September 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Summit riservato tra Minniti e Haftar «Migranti e confini, 3 ore di colloqui» · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Corriere Della Sera | 05.09.2017

È la prima volta che un esponente del governo italiano incontra Haftar: «Si è parlato del caos in Libia e del desiderio di consolidare un’unica autorità sovrana»

di Lorenzo Cremonesi

Marco Minniti ha incontrato il generale Khalifa Haftar a metà della settimana scorsa nell’ufficio-fortezza di quest’ultimo presso l’aeroporto di Bengasi. Un summit molto riservato, quasi segreto, tanto che le prime informazioni a riguardo sono emerse solo ieri pomeriggio a Bengasi e ripubblicate brevemente dal portale libico Al Wasat. Il ministro degli Interni italiano si è mosso rapido (dopo la tappa libica era in partenza per l’Algeria), ma era molto tempo che lavorava per poter parlare a quattr’occhi con l’uomo forte della Cirenaica che afferma di «controllare ormai oltre il 70 per cento del territorio libico», incluse molte delle rotte dei migranti in arrivo dall’Africa subsahariana e attraverso il cuore del deserto del Fezzan verso il Mediterraneo. La notizia è confermata in modo inequivocabile. «L’incontro è durato a lungo, forse oltre tre ore, in un’atmosfera molto cordiale, rilassata, e ha toccato temi fondamentali per la Libia, l’Italia e il contesto europeo. Ovviamente si è parlato di migranti, dei modi per fermare e regolare i flussi, del controllo dei confini libici, ma anche della situazione di frammentazione e caos che ancora domina sulla politica del Paese con il desiderio di consolidare un’unica autorità sovrana e centrale», raccontano al Corriere fonti presenti all’incontro.

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30. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „From Emigration to Asylum Destination, Italy Navigates Shifting Migration Tides“ · Kategorien: Italien, Lesetipps · Tags:

MPI | 24.08.2017

By Angelo Scotto

Since its unification in the 19th century, Italy has been a country of emigration, with millions of Italians migrating to the Americas and elsewhere in Europe for economic and political reasons. Smaller numbers also headed to North Africa during the country’s period of colonialism. Italians have accounted for the largest voluntary emigration in recorded history, with 13 million leaving between 1880 and 1915. And Italian mobility also spanned major internal migration from poorer areas in the country’s South to its wealthier North.

Against the historic backdrop of emigration, newer patterns have manifested, making Italy a destination for migrants, whether for permanent settlement or as a way station. Shifting demographics that began in the mid-20th century translated into increased demand for foreign workers even as external factors, including the decline of the Soviet bloc, acted as push factors for migration toward wealthier countries, among them Italy. More recently, political and economic developments far beyond Italy’s borders have brought inflows of asylum seekers and migrants from diverse regions, including Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

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28. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migration aus Süd- und Südosteuropa nach Westeuropa: Kontinuitäten und Brüche“ · Kategorien: Europa, Lesetipps, Schengen Migration, Social Mix · Tags:

bpb | 14.08.2017

Südosteuropa ist vor allem mit Mittel- und Westeuropa durch eine lange Tradition der Migrationen von Menschen in beide Richtungen eng verbunden. Sylvia Hahn macht in ihrem Beitrag die langwährende Verflechtung der beiden Gegenden unseres Kontinents durch vielfältige Migrationsströme deutlich.

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05. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für The Real Migrant Crime Wave: Mafia Exploitation of Migrants in Sicily · Kategorien: Italien, Schengen Migration, Social Mix · Tags: ,

Refugees Deeply | 04.08.2017

The Cosa Nostra has not only found ways to benefit monetarily from migrants, but has also integrated migrants into mafia-related criminal enterprises in Sicily, writes Hayden Ford of the New School’s Graduate Program in International Affairs.

When it comes to crime and migration, governments and international institutions pay a lot of attention to the involvement of organized criminal organizations in transporting and smuggling migrants across the Mediterranean.

Even so, the evidence suggests that there are no centralized crime syndicates operating across the major smuggling routes in the Mediterranean. Rather, smuggling takes place through “flexible and adaptive networks” comprised of small criminal groups who enter into arrangements for short periods of time before dissolving and reconfiguring themselves.

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04. August 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Perché aumentano i migranti bangladesi in Italia“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Social Mix · Tags:

Internazionale | 04.08.2017

Annalisa Camilli, giornalista di Internazionale

Quando all’orizzonte è apparsa la nave Diciotti della guardia costiera italiana, Shahid ha avuto paura che fosse solo un sogno, si è stropicciato gli occhi e ha dato una gomitata a Bashar che si era addormentato affianco a lui sul gommone. A bordo erano quasi tutti connazionali: bangladesi di Chittagong, la seconda città del paese. Erano partiti insieme la notte precedente da Ras el Hallab, vicino Garabulli, una spiaggia a est di Tripoli. Vivevano quasi tutti a Bengasi, da anni.

Mentre il puntino bianco all’orizzonte diventava sempre più grande, tutti si sono alzati e il gommone ha cominciato a barcollare. Bashar si è sporto per vomitare. Shahid ha sentito i conati arrivare, ma si è imposto di resistere. Ore dopo gli uomini con le tute bianche sono arrivati a bordo di una scialuppa arancione. “Stay calm, we are here to rescue you”, hanno gridato in inglese. Hanno lanciato dei salvagenti arancioni e hanno chiesto di indossarli.

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26. Juli 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „France: Police Attacking Migrants in Calais“ · Kategorien: Europa, Frankreich · Tags: , , ,

Human Right Watch | 25.07.2017

Government Ignores Widespread Reports of Ill-Treatment

Paris) – French police in Calais routinely abuse asylum seekers and other migrants, Human Rights Watch said today. The French authorities turn a blind eye to the widespread reports of the abuse.

The 40-page report, “Like Living in Hell’: Police Abuses Against Child and Adult Migrants in Calais,“ finds that police forces in Calais, particularly the French riot police (Compagnies républicaines de sécurité, CRS), routinely use pepper spray on child and adult migrants while they are sleeping or in other circumstances in which they pose no threat. Police also regularly spray or confiscate sleeping bags, blankets, and clothing, and have sometimes used pepper spray on migrants’ food and water, apparently to press them to leave the area. Such acts violate the prohibition on inhuman and degrading treatment as well as international standards on police conduct, which call for police to use force only when it is unavoidable, and then only with restraint, in proportion to the circumstances, and for a legitimate law enforcement purpose.

“It is reprehensible for police to use pepper spray on children and adults who are asleep or peacefully going about their day,” said Bénédicte Jeannerod, Human Rights Watch’s France director. “When police destroy or take migrants’ blankets, shoes, or food, they demean their profession as well as harm people whose rights they’ve sworn to uphold.”

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26. Juli 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Die Wut ist entfacht“ · Kategorien: Deutschland, Lesetipps · Tags: , , ,

derFreitag | 26.07.2017

Kapitalismus In den Krisenjahren haben sich zwei Formen des Widerstands entwickelt

Niels Boeing

Hamburgs G20-Tage markieren eine Zäsur. Auf den polizeilich erst verordneten und dann durchgeprügelten Ausnahmezustand folgt ein Backlash, den man in der immer noch relativ liberalen Bundesrepublik nicht erwarten konnte. Der Riot in der Schanze am 7. Juli hat einen regelrechten Volkszorn angestoßen. Die Stadt droht unverhohlen der gesamten außerparlamentarischen Linken mit Räumung, während Stadtteilzentren, Clubs, Buchverlage und andere linke Akteure mit Rachefantasien bombardiert werden. Selbst in der politischen Mitte heißt der Schlachtruf in Anlehnung an den Münchner Soziologen Armin Nassehi: „Eine Linke braucht es nicht mehr.“

Der medial angeheizte Aufschrei erinnert die heute ältesten Protestjahrgänge an die Hetze nach dem Schahbesuch von 1967. Es geht um Abrechnung. Die globalisierungskritische Linke habe sich erledigt oder sei endlich zu erledigen. Nichts könnte falscher sein. Was in Hamburg sichtbar wurde, ist zuerst, dass der Gipfelprotest nicht einfach eine Neuauflage der Proteste von Seattle 1999 oder Genua 2001 war. Was diese Proteste oder auch den von Heiligendamm 2007 von den jetzigen trennt, ist zum einen die Finanzkrise von 2008 mit ihren Folgen, zum anderen das inverse Panoptikum der sozialen Netzwerke.

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23. Juli 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „No One Is Counting Europe’s Missing Refugee Children“ · Kategorien: Europa · Tags: ,

Refugees Deeply | 20.07.2017

Where are the 10,000 child migrants who went missing in Europe last year? Europol says it has no idea how many have actually disappeared as a result of Europe’s chaotic migrant calculations, Mario Vidal reports for porCausa and Vózpopuli.

Mario Vidal

THEIR NAMES AND faces are not plastered on street lights or bus stops. In most cases the police have not attempted to find them. They simply arrive in Europe and disappear.

In 2016, more than 63,300 unaccompanied minors (UAM) entered the E.U., half of them Syrian and Afghan refugees, according to data from the European NGO network Missing Children. The same year, the E.U.’s law enforcement agency Europol said that at least 10,000 UAM had disappeared in Europe.

Yet Europol admits it does not know if these disappearances are real or the result of bureaucratic chaos between E.U. member countries. Even so, they warn that missing children, especially refugees, are the perfect target for human trafficking, prostitution and forced begging rings, or coercion into slave labor.

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19. Juli 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Will Africa’s Great Green Wall discourage migration to Europe?“ · Kategorien: Afrika · Tags: ,

The Guardian | 19.07.2017

By 2020, 60 million people from sub-Saharan Africa are expected to migrate because of desertification. The Great Green Wall is a $8bn project restoring degraded land. But will it encourage people to stay or earn the money to go?

Jill Filipovic

The first thing you notice about the garden is how out of place it looks in this dusty, hazy landscape, where herds of cows kick up sandstorms and goats nibble at sparse weeds below scraggly trees. The garden is a swatch of vibrant colour: green tufts growing lettuce, aubergine, watermelon and other produce form tidy rows, and women in bright skirts walk through, bringing tin watering cans from the well to hydrate this lush little corner in a vast, parched landscape.

Here, in Koyli Alfa village in central Senegal, Batta Mbengu works in this garden every Wednesday; there are almost 300 women who labour here, divided into groups of 30, with each group taking a weekly shift. And every week, each woman contributes 100 West African francs (about 14p) to a tontine – a communal pot of money that any member can cash out when she needs it. For example, when a member has a baby the other women bring the tontine money to the naming ceremony and gift it to the mother. It’s a safety net in a place where financial insecurity is part of life.

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