27. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Appalling conditions at Greek refugee camps despite EU’s multi-million pound aid spend – video“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Video · Tags:

Quelle: The Guardian | 22.12.2016

‘I want the world to know about the conditions we are living in’: 11-year-old Syrian refugee Yamama shows Guardian journalists around her makeshift home within a disused warehouse. Her family are one of 60,000 people stranded in Greece, where the snow started falling earlier this month. While some have been moved into housing blocks, an estimated 20,000 are left in derelict accommodation without cooking facilities, adequate heating, reliable electricity and little in the way of education. This is in spite of millions of pounds of EU funding to deal with the crisis handed out to major NGOs and the Greek government, leading to accusations of mismanagement.

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