10. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Profughi, Fuggire dall’Italia anche a rischio della vita: 9 vittime nel 2016 · Kategorien: Italien · Tags:

Quelle: Nuovi Desparecidos | 08.12.2016

di Emilio Drudi

Le ultime vittime sono due giovani eritrei, un ragazzo e una ragazza, partiti da Verona e rimasti schiacciati in Austria, il 3 dicembre, dal Tir sotto al quale si erano nascosti per passare il confine. Le ultime vittime del “sistema Italia” per l’assistenza a profughi e migranti. Dall’inizio dell’anno si sono contati oltre 172 mila arrivi. E’ il flusso più alto mai registrato. Di contro, ci sono soltanto 23 mila posti nella rete di accoglienza Sprar, l’unico canale che apre un percorso di inserimento sociale. Meno di 2 mila, rispetto alle 60 mila previste entro il settembre 2017, risultano le partenze verso altri paesi europei, in base al programma di relocation. Bassa anche la percentuale dei migranti per i quali si è concluso l’iter della richiesta di asilo o comunque di una forma di protezione internazionale.

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10. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „The Migration Dilemma“ · Kategorien: Afrika, Deutschland, Medien

Quelle: DW

Many Africans dream about a better life in Europe. But reality often looks different. A new DW series explores a major challenge of our time: migration. It provokes hopes and fears, touches individuals and nations alike.

Journalists and correspondents from DW’s English for Africa, French for Africa and Hausa departments are now at work on the project in Germany, Italy, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Gambia. They are talking to migrants in the European reception centers, returnees, friends and relatives of those who went missing while on their way to Europe and will also be looking at local and international efforts or provide jobs for young Africans in their own countries.

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10. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Broken Men in Paradise“ · Kategorien: Australien

Quelle: The New York Times | 09.12.2016

The world’s refugee crisis knows no more sinister exercise in cruelty than Australia’s island prisons.


MANUS, Papua New Guinea — The plane banks over the dense tropical forest of Manus Island, little touched, it seems, by human hand. South Pacific waters lap onto deserted beaches. The jungle glistens, impenetrable. At the unfenced airport, built by occupying Japanese forces during World War II, a sign “welcomes you to our very beautiful island paradise in the sun.”

It could be that, a 60-mile-long slice of heaven. But for more than 900 asylum seekers from across the world banished by Australia to this remote corner of the Papua New Guinea archipelago, Manus has been hell; a three and a half year exercise in mental and physical cruelty conducted in near secrecy beneath the green canopy of the tropics.

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10. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „EU met only 5% of target for relocating refugees from Greece and Italy“ · Kategorien: Europa · Tags:

Quelle: The Guardian | 08.12.2016

Only 8,162 people of the promised 160,000 have been resettled from the two countries at the frontline of the migration crisis

Jennifer Rankin

European countries have relocated only one in 20 of the refugees they promised to shelter, amid continuing deep divisions over how the continent should help growing numbers fleeing war and persecution.

More than a year after the EU promised to disperse 160,000 refugees from overstretched Greece and Italy to other EU countries, only 8,162 people have been found a home, figures from the European commission show.

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10. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migrants : Opération de rapatriement ou refoulement massif ? · Kategorien: Algerien · Tags: ,

Quelle: El Watan | 09.12.2016

Ravah Ighil

Après les Nigériens, le rapatriement a été élargi à d’autres nationalités (guinéenne, malienne, béninoise, burkinabè, ivoirienne, camerounaise et sénégalaise). Les Sierra Léonais, Nigérians, Togolais, Libériens et Congolais font également partie du voyage.

Regroupés dans le Centre d’accueil de la wilaya Tamanrasset (CAT) pour accomplir les formalités d’usage, plus de 989 migrants, 859 hommes, 45 femmes et 85 enfants de nationalités différentes ont été acheminés, mardi matin, vers In Guezzam avant de rallier le centre de réfugiés d’Agadez, au Niger, où ils devaient être transférés vers leur pays d’origine sous la houlette de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM).

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