01. Juni 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Gradations of externalisation: Is the EU sailing towards offshoring asylum protection? · Kategorien: EN, Europa, Hintergrund · Tags: ,

University of Nottingham | 17.05.2018

Daria Davitti, Marlene Fries & Marie Walter Franke

n looking for solutions to the failings of the current European asylum system and its inability to operate in times of ‘crisis’, many European politicians have reconsidered an old fantasy: offshore asylum processing. While Australia and the United States have adopted offshoring policies on and off for decades, the idea has been discussed at the European level since the 1980s but has never materialised, for many good reasons. This brief examines how offshore processing has found new life in the context of renewed ‘externalisation engineering’ in the aftermath of the ‘migration summer’ of 2015. […]

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