18. Mai 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Amnesty klagt EU wegen zunehmender Internierung und Folter an · Kategorien: Europa, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,


Libya: Shameful EU policies fuel surge in detention of migrants and refugees

A surge in migrants and refugees intercepted at sea by the Libyan authorities has seen at least 2,600 people transferred, in the past two months alone, to squalid detention centres where they face torture and extortion, Amnesty International said today.

The global human rights organisation accuses European governments of complicity in these abuses by actively supporting the Libyan authorities in stopping sea crossings and sending people back to detention centres in Libya.

“The EU is turning a blind eye to the suffering caused by its callous immigration policies that outsource border control to Libya,” said Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director.

“When European leaders spare no effort to ensure the Libyan Coast Guard intercepts as many people as possible, they are sending those migrants and refugees straight back to Libya’s detention centres which are notorious for abuse and torture. No one should be sending anyone back to Libya.” Weiterlesen »

18. Mai 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, MSF: Internierung und Folter nehmen zu · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , ,

Trípoli, 16 may (EFE).- La organización humanitaria Médicos sin Fronteras (MSF) denunció hoy que existe un elevado número de migrantes y refugiados en cárceles clandestinas en Libia y que la tortura y el secuestro son una práctica generalizada que, lejos de disminuir, „va en aumento“.

En un comunicado remitido a Efe, el jefe de la misión de MSF en Libia, Christophe Biteau, advirtió, igualmente, de que la distinción entre las redes clandestinas dedicadas al tráfico de personas y los servicios oficiales de guardacostas, a los que financia la Unión Europea, no es siempre clara. Weiterlesen »