Lesvos 18.7.2015 – The situation has not changed the last days: Many people arive on the island even althought the sea is rough. Around 1.000 daily. Two days ago 6 syrian people drawned on türkisch waters and 10 where rescued. They where on their way to Lesvos from Turkey. Yeasterday the solidarity group in Eftalou beach, welcoming every morning the people ariving on the beach, reported on their daily Youtube doku 14 boat arivals in 9 hours!
The very good news are that the Doctors without Borders organised a bus that drives back and forth, Molivos Mitilini, to transfer women and children first to Mytilini, so that they dont have to walk all the way.
Still the streets are full of exhausted people walking with their babys, old people, and little belongings to the port.
The bad news are that although the new law about transportation is existing since 10 days, saying that privat people with cars are aloud to transport refugees who need protection and humanitarian help to the police and coast guard, but have to inform the police on the fone about their car number and where they bring them.
The lokal police tries to scare people calling and kriminalise them saying that there is no such law! The truth is that they havent got yet from the goverment the written confirmation that the law is now existing and since they are bürokrats, they block.
Public buses and taxis are not included to this new law, so refugees who can aford taking a taxi, are not aloud to do so. Some taxi drivers risk and transport. Publik buses should be actually happy to transfer daily so many people.
In the meatime on the island are still thousands of refugees:
- In Molivos where they arive daily around 300-1.400
- In Kara Tepe where they have to wait for their registration procedure that does not take place there and noone except the police knows where it takes splace each day. 1.500
- Mostly in the swimming space in the Port, but also not everyday.
- In Moria which is overcrowded inside and outside around the detention with more than 1.400 people. The Doctors of the World working in there try their best.
- In the Harbour of Mitilini where many refugees walk from Kara Tepe trying to understand where they have to go to get the registration paper.everynight some hundred people slleping there.
The authorities instead of augmenting immediatly the amount of oficers making the registraztion, which is the very first priotirty to change the situation, so that more people than the 300 they manage per days can get immediatly registred and go on the ship to Pireus, brought enforcemnet of the greek special police forces!!!! MAT.
For 2-3 weeks more than 20 extra policeman to guard the refugees protesting because they dont get registerd.
The military has since some days given an ordert for the military cars and lories to be aloud to cary a gun with them driving . the reason: they fear that refugees would kidnap a military car as a sign of protest!!!! Logical thinking was never the strenght of Ministers of interior and police oficers.
In the meantime International NGOS march through the refugee camps and „monitor“ as they say the katastrophy, trying to find out by stiling the precious time of the lokal solidarity people, where they could make their programms.
Internationals NGOs will probably have decided when and what they want to suport, when no more refugees are coming. It seems that we will have a NGO overkill soon.
Thanks to the Doctors without Borders to be an exception to this ; they immediatly took decisions and suport the lokal needs.
The ships to Athens carry all the refugees who had the luck to get registered.
On the day we came to lesvos 1.400 refugees traveled to Athens. The big ship Blue Star 1 had otherwise only 47 tickets sold, so it is clear that the refugees suport the lokal economy whith their presence. Nobody talks about this here.Some people earn badly on the needs of the people needing humanitarian help, but not finding it.
Everyday, if their are tickets 500 people take the boat to Athens and pay for it.
Many minors are among the new ariving people. Since they didnt register most of them moove in groups and try to survive without any suport. I on purpose dont say: „without protection“ because it is the „excuse“ that authorities use in greece to keep minors longer in detention: they want to protect them!
Yesterday a SAR rescue ship was in the harbour of Mitilini in the afternoon from Norway. No Frontex ship in the Harbour.
Please spread the news internationaly the most urgent need is:
more people able to do this job should be send immediatly on the island , why does it have to be police who have not enough trained people?
and the MAT special forces should go home.
Publik transport Buses and Taxis should be aloud to transport the refugees like everyone else.