15. Mai 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Italien: 3.600 Boat-people in 2 Tagen gerettet · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Deutschland, Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,


A German ship and a merchant ship contributed to the rescue miss>ions

By Karafillis Giannoulis

3,600 migrants have been rescued in the past two days according to an Italian coast guard official.

Official told Reuters that, a German ship, Italian navy vessels, a merchant ship, Italy’s finance police and Italian coast guard all conducted rescue operations on Thursday. Moreover, a British military vessel supported by a Merlin Mk2 helicopter of 814 Naval Air Squadron, conducted a rescue operation.

Weather conditions in the Mediterranean were perfect and the Italian officials were on high alert acknowledging that many will attempt the crossing from Africa to the EU.

More than 600 migrants were brought ashore at the port of Catania in Sicily, and another 2,500 migrants saved from rickety boats off the coast of Libya, the coast guard said. Catania port officials told Reuters, that the 600 migrants were picked up by the British warship HMS Bulwark and were Somali and Nigerian.

A heavily pregnant Nigerian lady was among the migrants saved. She claimed that she left Nigeria because she feared the Boko Haram attacks. “It’s not safe to go to a public place, like a church, the market. They (Boko Haram) might bomb the place at any time,” she said and added that “the war in Libya is worse,” and that’s why she decided to enter Italy.

According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) at least 1,826 migrants have perished, as they attempted to cross the Mediterranean so far this year. IOM welcomed European Commission’s plan to engage with migrants long before they reach the Mediterranean and to support countries bearing the brunt of those displaced by conflict and human rights abuses.

The International Organisation stressed that Niger, for example, is a key transit point for migrants heading to Europe. The Commission plan is for IOM and UNHCR to create “a pilot multi-purpose centre” in the country. This would provide information on the perils ahead, protection from exploitation and identify those in need of resettlement, temporary protection, family reunification and other options.

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