04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Spanische Polizei verhaftet 10 Algerier nach Tod von Boat-people · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Algerien, Spanien · Tags: , ,

Dunya News

Spanish police arrest 10 Algerian human traffickers

Officers detained the ten Algerians, who are thought to have smuggled „dozens“ of migrants.

MADRID (AFP) – Spanish police said Tuesday they have arrested ten suspected members of a ring that smuggled Algerian migrants by boat into Spain, charging around 600 euros ($680) per person to make the dangerous crossings in which two people died.

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04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ceuta EU-Zaun: 50 Überkletterer – Kurzvideo · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien, Video


Spain’s north African enclaves are targeted once again by desperate migrants

„A small group of immigrants has become the latest to try and enter the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in Morocco by climbing the border fence.

The individuals clung on for about two hours before being brought down by police. Around seven other did get in via the sea. […]“


Medio centenar de inmigrantes subsaharianos pretendieron brincar el martes la valla que protege la entrada a territorio español en Ceuta. Uno de ellos ha conseguido llegar a la ciudad al lanzarse al mar y nadar hasta una playa ceutí. Seis inmigrantes han pasado dos horas y media encaramados a la valla, hasta que bajaron voluntariamente

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04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Melilla: 1.500 syrische Flüchtlinge stecken fest · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien, Syrien · Tags:

El Economista

1.500 refugiados sirios hacinados en el CETI de Melilla: „Estoy esperando la muerte“


Un total de 1.500 personas que han huído del conflicto de Siria se hacinan en la actualidad en el Centro de Estancia Temporal de Inmigrantes de Melilla, que tiene capacidad para 480 personas y acoge a más de 1.900, y viven en condiciones de precariedad, con acceso restringido al agua caliente y dificultades para acceder incluso a la alimentación.

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04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für AntiRa-Kompass: Newsletter Nr. 36, Februar 2015 · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Deutschland, Marokko, Spanien · Tags: ,




Kompass – AntiRa – Newsletter Nr. 36 – Februar 2015

5. – 8.2 .in Berlin, Düsseldorf,Tanger und Ceuta: transnationale Aktionstage gegen den Krieg gegen MigrantInnen +++ 14.2.2015 Refugee Protest Camp Hannover goes Berlin +++ Ab 25.2.: Push Back Frontex – Kampagne am Start +++ Refugee Aktivisten im Knast +++ Zum Tod von Khaled Idris Bahray +++ Griechenland – Wenn Wahlen was ändern können? +++ Am 18.3. in Frankfurt: Blockupy gegen EZB +++ Rückblick Oury Jalloh- und Hamburg Demo +++ Kampagne gegen die Verschärfung der Asylgesetze +++ Neue Stop-Dublin-Kampagne von Pro Asyl +++ Ausblick zum März: ab 24.3. zum Weltsozialforum in Tunis …

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04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Malta: Antiterrorismus Boat-people · Kategorien: Libyen, Malta · Tags: , , ,

Malta Today

Prime Minister dispels rumours of ‚imminent terrorist attack‘ on Malta

Royal Air Force landing in Malta: ‚request for diplomatic clearance from the UK was made early in January for aircraft to land in Malta in transit to a third country; nothing to do with the current crisis in Libya or IS offensive‘

Miriam Dalli

The government has received no information purporting Malta to be the target of a terrorist attack, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this evening. In a recorded interview which appeared on Times Talk, the Prime Minister said the government was monitoring everything and rumours that went on the Internet over the past week were “exaggerated”.

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04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Merkel Treffen zu Malta, Libyen, Boat-people · Kategorien: Deutschland, Libyen, Malta · Tags: ,

Times of Malta.com

Kurt Sansone

Muscat to meet Merkel in Berlin today

The Libyan crisis, irregular immigration and Greece will be on the agenda of talks between Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and German Chancellor Angela Merkel later on today.

Dr Muscat is in Berlin for a one-day visit, accompanied by Foreign Minister George Vella and Labour MP Silvio Schembri.

Bilateral relations between the EU’s smallest and largest countries will also be on the agenda as will the Ukrainian crisis.

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04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Frachter sollen libysche Küstengewässer meiden · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Libyen · Tags:


Marine insurers ‚face disputes‘ as cover to tighten after Libya tanker attack

Covers for shipping near Libya could see premium rises or even exclusions as political situation deteriorates

Alexis Burris, Reporter

04. Februar 2015 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Schweiz: Infotour WatchTheMed Alarm Phone · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Termine [alt]


  • 14.02. 20:00: ZURICH, Rote Fabrik
  • 17.02. 20:00: BERN, Kino Reitschule
  • 18.02. 19:00: GENÈVE, Café Gavroche
  • 19.02. BÂLE, lieu et début à définir
  • 23.02. 20:00: ZURICH, Autonome Schule
  • 24.02. 20:00: NEUCHÂTEL, Garage (ouverture des portes : 19:00)