08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Massensterben Mittelmeer und Left to die-Boot 2011: Europarat, 2. Bericht · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Malta · Tags: , ,

Deuxième rapport de la Commission migrations de l’APCE sur les morts en Méditerranée (version provisoire)


La Commission des migrations de l’APCE dénonce de ‘graves lacunes’ du cadre juridique en matière de echerche et sauvetage en Méditerranée

Strasbourg, 03.06.2014 – « D’importants efforts ont été consentis par les Etats membres, et l’Italie en particulier, pour sauver davantage de vies en mer, mais il subsiste des défaillances sur le plan de la coopération, de la définition et de la reconnaissance des responsabilités ainsi que des enseignements tirés des derniers événements tragiques », a souligné TinekeStrik (Pays-Bas, SOC) dans son deuxième rapport dédié au ‘bateau cercueil’ qui sera débattu par l’Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l’Europe (APCE) lors de sa prochaine session plénière à Strasbourg (23-27 juin 2014).

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08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Malta: US Marine bringt 282 Boat-people auf · Kategorien: Libyen, Malta · Tags: ,

Thousands of migrants in the Mediterranean Sea are rescued following reports of sinking vessels carrying asylum seekers coming from Africa. 282 people were picked up from six small vessels by US navy ships near Malta.

Thousands more from three separate boats were rescued earlier in the day by Italian coastguard vessels off the coast of Lampedusa. On Friday, the Italian navy picked up another 2500 asylum-seekers from 17 boats. Most of the migrants and asylum seekers to Europe come from Eritrea or Syria. Some also come from other African countries headed for other destinations. Sixty migrants from Ethiopia and Somalia drowned just days ago off the coast of Yemen. Most migrants are packed into unseaworthy boats that sometimes take weeks to make the dangerous voyages.

via US navy saves 282 migrants near Malta after distress reports News PressTV presstv

08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Jemen, Küste: 60 Boat-people ertrunken · Kategorien: Golfstaaten · Tags: ,

Yemen Post

UN officials confirmed on Friday that a reported 60 African migrants died in a tragic boat accident off the coast of Yemen as they attempted to make the dangerous travel across, hoping to find same refuge in late May.
“The tragedy is the largest single loss of life of migrants and refugees attempting to reach Yemen via the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden this year,” Adrian Edwards, spokesman for the UN’s refugee agency, told reporters in Geneva this Friday.
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08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Amsterdam: Afrikanische Flüchtlinge in ehemaligem Gefängnis · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:


African Refugees Are Having a Hard Time Living in a Dutch Prison

By Giles Clarke

A few weeks ago, I went to Amsterdam to visit a community of African refugees who live in a former prison called the Vluchthaven. The group calls themselves „We Are Here“ and are considered illegal immigrants by the Dutch government. They’ve been very visible over the last two years for protesting the indifference that many politicians in Holland have shown towards immigrants and people seeking asylum from war-torn countries. Weiterlesen »

08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Nord-Mali: Lebensmittelhilfe aus Algerien · Kategorien: Algerien, Mali · Tags:

Les pays du Sahel au secours du Mali

Par Jemal Oumar à Nouakchott pour Magharebia

Les pays du Sahel cherchent à aider leur voisin malien à surmonter la crise alimentaire et sécuritaire que connaît le pays.

Lundi 2 juin, l’Algérie a envoyé cent vingt tonnes d’aide humanitaire au Nord-Mali.

Ces produits alimentaires et pharmaceutiques ont été transportés jusqu’à la frontière par un appareil militaire, a précisé le ministère algérien des Affaires étrangères. Puis des camions du Croissant rouge algérien ont convoyé les marchandises jusqu’à Tessalit et Kidal.

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08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Süd-Libyen: Algerische Spezialtruppen einmarschiert · Kategorien: Algerien, Frankreich, Libyen · Tags:

3.500 algerische Fallschirmjäger sind in Süd-Libyen seit dem 29. Mai 2014 aktiv, berichten El Watan und  Courrier International unter Berufung auf The Times-Berichte aus Großbritannien. Die algerischen Truppen werden von dem US-amerikanischen, französischen und tschadischen Militär unterstützt. Der Einsatz gilt der Stärkung des Putschisten Khalifa Hafter.


Libye : L’Algérie a commencé les opérations commando

Depuis l’indépendance de l’Algérie en 1962, il s’agirait de la plus grande opération extérieure menée par les forces algériennes. Lancée le 29 mai, cette offensive est soutenue par des forces américaines, françaises et tchadiennes.

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08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Grenzwächter und Ölfeldsecurity laufen zu Putschisten über · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags:

Tebu brigade joins Hafter

By Jamal Adel

The largely Tebu Brigade No. 25 based at the Sarir oil field yesterday joined retired General Khalifa Hafter’s “Operation Dignity”. The unit, also known as Ahmed Al-Shareef Brigade, combines both Petroleum Facilities Guards (PFG) and border guards.

“We declare that the 25th Brigade of both PFG and border guards has now joined the Dignity Operation and we put our selves under the direct command of the Libyan army,” the the brigade’s chief commander, Major Ali Seeda, told the Libya Herald.

The brigade is in charge of security at the Sarir and Messla oilfield as well as at the Shula oil compound 450 kilometres north of Kufra.

“We have always kept away from political issues and regional divisions. We’re regular army members and officers,” said Seeda. “We’ve joined the Operation Dignity because Libyan army members are being attacked and murdered. It’s our duty to protect ourselves and enforce law in our country.”

The brigade liberated Sarir oilfield and Al-Shula oil compound, Messla oilfield, 59 oilfield andthe Sarir northern farm project from Qaddafi forces at the beginning of April 2011 and have been based there ever since.

via Tebu brigade joins Hafter

08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italienische und US-Marine: 130 Boat-people nach Malta · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Malta · Tags: , ,

Mare Nostrum

A group of 130 migrants who were rescued south of Malta was brought to Malta on an AFM patrol boat last night in a busy 24 hours for forces from Italy, the United States and Malta.
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08. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italienische Marine: 4.000 Boat-people in 36 h · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , ,

Mare Nostrum

Immigrazione, 4000 arrivi in 36 ore. Sos accoglienza da tutta la SiciliaImmigrazione

Sono oltre 4000 gli immigrati arrivati in Sicilia nelle ultime 36 ore. E dopo i 2500 salvati ieri, è stata un’altra giornata complicata per i militari impegnati nelle operazioni di ricerca e recupero dei barconi in difficoltà. Gli ultimi immigrati sono stati tratti in salvo questa sera dalla nave Bergamini del contingente Mare Nostrum: 453 persone, tra cui 24 donne e 37 minori.
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