13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Close the camps – Mapping of migrant camps (migreurop) · Kategorien: Deutschland, Hintergrund, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Mapping of migrant camps

A dynamic and interactive mapping of migrant detention in Europe and beyond. This site aims to:

  • Record the sites, forms and conditions of migrant detention and their serious human consequences
  • Enable access to information concerning migrant detention sites and contact with detained persons
  • Mobilise all those who oppose migrant detention and removal measures to protect migrants human rights

via Close the camps > English – Mapping of migrant camps.

13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen: Gemeinsame militärische Kommandoaktionen der USA und Algeriens · Kategorien: Algerien, Libyen · Tags:

Libye: Pourquoi Algérie et USA mènent une opération conjointe

Par Farid Aichoune, Le Nouvel Observateur

Les deux pays travaillent ensemble à des actions contre les djihadistes en Libye. Et protègent un ancien officier libyen. Une première.
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13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Deutsches und griechisches Konsulat in Venedig und Bologna besetzt: Gegen Dublin System · Kategorien: Deutschland, Griechenland, Italien · Tags: ,

For the action-day called Make space not borders we have occupied the Greek and German consulates in Venice and Bologna. The initiative has claimed for the abolition of the Dublin Rule and for the opening of safe ways of arrivals for migrants to Europe.

Article and pictures here:


Make Europe not Borders! Greek and German consulates occupied in Bologna and Venice, demo in Berlin

Initiatives for freedom of movement and right of choice today in Italy. Occupation of the German Consulate in Venice and occupation of the Greek one in Bologna. Banners, fliers and press conferences inside the embassies‘ offices to claim the end of migrants‘ murders.
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13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Solidarität mit Hungerstreikenden in Abschiebeknast Korinth · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: ,

Solidarity with the hunger strikers in the detention camp of Corinth.
Close all detention camps!

During the last 3 years greece is not just the border guard of europe. It became a graveyard and prison for migrants. The system of detention expanded radically from 2012, when thousands of migrants arrested after a huge police pogrom, having the cynical name Operation “Xenios Zeus”, the ancient greek god of hospitality. New container camps were built and old military camps transformed to detention camps. Parallel to this, the legal framework changed rapidly: the maximum period of detention for migrants without papers increased form 3 to 18 months. From now on, according to the recent recommendation of the Legal Council of the State, detention of illegalized migrants can be unlimited.

During the last 3 years, the dominant policies do not just use the migrants as scapegoats. Racism and exclusion of rights are in the center of the crisis management and the policies of fear. Prisons expanded not only to detain migrants: not by incidence drug addicts were also temporary brought to the same detention camps. From now on the subject of repression and fear expanded from the migrants to other social groups and especially to anyone who resists the authoritarian crisis regime.

Since June 9th hundreds of migrants in the detention camp of Corinth started a hunger strike for their freedom.

On Sunday 15th of June the Open Initiative against Detention Centers, antiracist and antifascist initiatives from Corinth, will demonstrate in solidarity with the hunger strikers and for the closure of all the detention camps.

13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Italienische Marine bringt 103 Boat-people auf – Fahndung anhand von Facebook · Kategorien: Ägypten, Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Anhand einer Facebook-Gruppe, die sich um das Schicksal abgefahrener und möglicherweise vermisster syrischer Bootsflüchtlinge kümmert, fahndet eine Spezialeinheit der italienischen Polizei und nimmt Fluchthelfer fest.

Gruppo di trafficanti su Facebook per avere notizie sul viaggio fruttato più di 500 mila dollari

Sbarchi, 103 migranti salvati nel Canale di Sicilia. Arrestato uno scafista a Pozzallo


Altri 103 immigrati sono stati recuperati dalla Marina militare nell’ambito dell’operazione “Mare nostrum“ nel Canale di Sicilia. L’ultimo gruppo è stato prelevato dalla fregata “Scirocco“. Tra gli extracomunitari ci sono 13 donne e 14 minori. Intanto la squadra mobile di Ragusa ha arrestato ieri sera un egiziano, lo scafista dello sbarco di 311 migranti avvenuto mercoledi‘ scorso a Pozzallo. L’uomo, reo confesso, e alcuni siriani, avevano creato un gruppo su facebook per avere notizie sul viaggio. All’organizzazione sono andati 500 mila dollari, allo scafista seimila.

via Sbarchi, 103 migranti salvati nel Canale di Sicilia. Arrestato uno scafista a Pozzallo – Repubblica.it

13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Netzwerk Courage: Schutz für Menschen, die heikle Informationen öffentlich machen · Kategorien: Deutschland, Hintergrund · Tags:

„[…] Courage, a new international organisation dedicated to providing support to truthtellers, holds its official launch event in Berlin on the evening of Wednesday, 11th June. Courage runs Edward Snowden’s official defence fund. Courage also advocates for the protection of journalists’ sources and the public’s right to receive their information as guaranteed in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. […]“

via Launch of Courage and Snowden Campaign in Berlin, Wednesday 11th June | Courage Foundation

13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: 15 Jahre Haft für ägyptischen Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: ,

15 Jahre Haft für ägyptischen Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah

Wegen der Organisation eines nicht genehmigten Protests hat ein ägyptisches Gericht den prominenten Blogger und Bürgerrechtler Alaa Abdel Fattah zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt. Abdel Fattah war maßgeblich an der Organisierung der Massenproteste beteiligt, die im Februar 2011 zum Sturz Mubaraks geführt hatten. Wegen seines politischen Engagements wurde er bereits damals vorübergehend inhaftiert.

via 15 Jahre Haft für ägyptischen Blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah

13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Berlin: Kundgebung gegen Räumung der Schule, 14.06.2014 · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags:


Kommt alle am 14. Juni 2014 um 14 Uhr zur Kundgebung auf der Kreuzung Rudi-Dutschke Straße, Oranienstraße und Springerstraße!

Um 18 Uhr startet dann die Demo für den §23 und gegen die Räumung der besetzten Schule.

Aufruf zur Kundgebung auf der Aktionsseite


13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ceuta: 10 Boat-people, Push-back nach Marokko · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: , ,

Interceptada una embarcación con diez inmigrantes cerca de Ceuta

Ceuta, EFE Una embarcación neumática en la que viajaban diez inmigrantes subsaharianos, todos ellos varones, ha sido interceptada por la Gendarmería marroquí en aguas de la bahía sur de Ceuta.

La intervención se ha producido a primeras horas de esta mañana cuando la embarcación, dotada con un motor, se dirigía hacia las costas de Ceuta y fue vista por la Gendarmería marroquí.

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13. Juni 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für 250 people in distress outside the Maltese SAR zone – WTM · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Malta · Tags: , ,

12.06.2014 / 16:34 / Central Mediterranean

We have received the following signalization of distress from Father Mussie Zerai (equally sent to the Italian Coast Guard), concerning 250 people located just outside the Maltese SAR zone, within the (undeclared) Libyan SAR. Father Zerai received a second distress call from another boat, but was not able to determine its location.

„Richiesta di aiuto che ci è giunta dal mediterraneo da un natante con a bordo circa 250 persone di cui 70 donne e circa 15 bambini, partiti circa 12 ore fa da Tripoli, la loro posizione N° 33 Deg 54.928 E° 014 Deg 37.904 il telefono +8821621010282. Una seconda segnalazione che ci è stata fatta, che corrisponde al +8821666642642, ma non abbiamo altro informazione su questo ultimo numero turaia. “

via 250 people in distress outside the Maltese SAR zone | Watch the Med