26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Gibraltar: 47 Harraga auf 3 Booten in Almería angekommen · Kategorien: Spanien · Tags:

Aumentan a 47 los inmigrantes rescatados en tres pateras en Almería

26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa: 210 Boat-people auf 2 Schlauchbooten · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags:

Nuovi sbarchi a Lampedusa: 2 gommoni soccorsi , 210 a bordo

Altri due gommoni con a bordo in totale 210 migranti sono stati soccorsi dalla Guardia costiera nel Canale di Sicilia e condotti a Lampedusa. Il primo dei due natanti e‘ stato avvistato dal pattugliatore „Corsi“ a circa 70 miglia a Sud dell’isola, con un carico di 100 persone. Mentre erano in corso le operazioni di trasbordo, alla centrale operativa della Guardia Costiera di Roma e‘ giunta la richiesta lanciata con un telefono satellitare da uno dei 110 passeggeri di un altro gommone, in avaria a circa 35 miglia piu‘ a Sud rispetto. Tutti i profughi sono stati imbarcati sul „Corsi“, che si e‘ diretto a Lampedusa. AGI .

via Nuovi sbarchi a Lampedusa: 2 gommoni soccorsi , 210 a bordo

26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Marokko: Antirassistisches Manifest – Qandisha · Kategorien: Marokko · Tags:

Je suis marocaine et j’ai honte de moi-même. Non que je ne sois pas porteuse de belles valeurs. Mais je vois se craqueler ma noblesse porcelaine. Mes lâches silences face à l’ignominie ôtent toute sa beauté à mes grands discours humanistes et mes honorables pensées sur la justice et l’égalité entre les Hommes.

En moins de deux mois, Tina M., Alex Toussaint et Ismaila Fay ont payé de leurs vie et dignité, le prix d’un rêve. Celui d’une vie meilleure dans un pays voisin, ami et frère. Ils y ont cru. Quoi de plus naturel que de trouver refuge, espoir et sécurité chez cet autre qui ouvre grands ses bras à l’étranger et à la différence? Quelle désillusion pour toi Mon Frère ! Quand tu n’as pas connu le mépris de l’autre, quand tu n’as pas vécu la solitude parmi « tes frères », tu es passé, invisible, sous les yeux de la plupart.

Ismaila Faye, jeune sénégalais assassiné le 14 août à Rabat.

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26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für USA – Syrien, Strategie: Kriegsverlängerung – NYTimes · Kategorien: Syrien · Tags:

„[…] Maintaining a stalemate should be America’s objective. And the only possible method for achieving this is to arm the rebels when it seems that Mr. Assad’s forces are ascendant and to stop supplying the rebels if they actually seem to be winning. […]“ (Edward Luttwak)

via In Syria, America Loses if Either Side Wins – NYTimes.com

26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „It’s 1999 in Syria“ – Foreign Policy · Kategorien: Syrien · Tags:

It’s 1999 in Syria

Kosovo’s foreign minister calls for an international intervention to halt the killing in Syria.

via It’s 1999 in Syria – By Enver Hoxhaj | Foreign Policy

26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für USA, Irak-Iran Giftgas-Einsatz 1988 – Foreign Policy · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

„The U.S. knew Hussein was launching some of the worst chemical attacks in history – and still gave him a hand.


The U.S. government may be considering military action in response to chemical strikes near Damascus. But a generation ago, America’s military and intelligence communities knew about and did nothing to stop a series of nerve gas attacks far more devastating than anything Syria has seen, Foreign Policy has learned.

In 1988, during the waning days of Iraq’s war with Iran, the United States learned through satellite imagery that Iran was about to gain a major strategic advantage by exploiting a hole in Iraqi defenses. U.S. intelligence officials conveyed the location of the Iranian troops to Iraq, fully aware that Hussein’s military would attack with chemical weapons, including sarin, a lethal nerve agent.

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26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Liveblog: Stimmen aus Syrien – Adopt a Revolution · Kategorien: Syrien

Liveblog: Stimmen aus Syrien

22. August 2013 von Adopt a Revolution

via Liveblog: Stimmen aus Syrien | Adopt a Revolution

26. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Syrien: adopt@revolution, Newsletter · Kategorien: Syrien

Liebe AbonnentInnen des Newsletters, liebe Syrien-Interessierte,

der AaR-Newsletter meldet sich mit dramatischen Nachrichten aus der Sommerpause zurück. Ein Angriff auf das Umland von Damaskus – das östliche & westliche Ghouta – hat am vergangenen Mittwoch mehr als 1.300 Opfer gefordert, der Großteil von ihnen Frauen und Kinder.
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25. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Gibraltar und Kanarische Inseln: Mehr als 100 Boat-people angekommen · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags:

Spain rescues more than 100 migrants from sea

Spanish rescue services said they had picked up more than 100 African migrants from boats in the Atlantic and Mediterranean sea on Saturday, incidents that have become increasingly rare.

Off the Canary island of Tenerife 26 migrants were rescued, some of them apparently after two weeks at sea, the Red Cross told AFP.

„Various circumstances, like the situation in the Sahel region and Arab countries as well as the fight against (clandestine) immigration to Spain across the Atlantic, have changed the flow of refugees these past months and years,“ the police chief of Spain’s North African enclave Melilla, Abdelmalik El Barkani, said earlier this year.

On Saturday, 47 migrants travelling on three boats were also rescued from the Mediterranean and taken to the town of Almeria in southern Spain. Thirty-nine others were transferred to Ceuta, also on the north African coast.

In a week Spanish rescuers have assisted several hundred migrants, after 3,804 would-be immigrants reached the Spanish coast last year, according to interior ministry figures.

The Canary islands, off the northwest coast of Africa, counted 31,678 arrivals of clandestine migrants in 2006, the highest number ever.

via Spain rescues more than 100 migrants from sea – FRANCE 24

25. August 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Kundgebung zum 30. Todestag von Cemal Kemal Altun, Berlin 30.08.2013 · Kategorien: Deutschland, Termine [alt], Türkei · Tags: ,

Kundgebung zum 30. Todestag von Cemal Kemal Altun
am 30. August 2013, um 16 Uhr

Cemal K. Altun-Gedenkstein, Hardenbergstraße 21,(nahe Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten), Berlin Charlottenburg

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