02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten Live Ticker, Al Ahram · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags:


02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Marokko – Melilla: „Number 9“ – Film Interviews mit verletzten Flüchtlingen zu staatlicher Gewalt, Folter und Tod an der EU-Grenze – sehr sehenswert! · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: , , ,


Published on Jun 28, 2013

A field mission led to the making of the film „No. 9“ and the launch of the „No. 9 — Stop violence at the borders!“ campaign to denounce the daily and systematic repression of migrants by Moroccan authorities as well as the implication of Spanish authorities in the crimes perpetrated against migrants.

02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Fahamu Newsletter, Juli 2013 (engl.) · Kategorien: Hintergrund, Lesetipps, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

1st Jul 2013


JULY 2013

JULY 2013

a monthly forum for news and discussion on refugee legal aid

Issue 39, July 2013

ISSN 2049-2650

Editorial Team: Themba Lewis, Yara Romariz Maasri, Lily Parrott, Fiona McKinnon, Stuart Thomas, Britta Redwood, Jennie Corbett and Katherine Rehberg.

This month the Editorial Team would like to say a special ‘Thank You’ to Katie Vasey, who has made a fantastic contribution to the Newsletter over the last few issues. We wish her the very best of luck!

Web links are in blue.

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This month, we’ve also set up a Company page on LinkedIn! Please follow us and, if you’ve been affiliated with us, edit your profile to link to it.

In this issue: Weiterlesen »

02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Berlin: Tagung zu Edward Said, 31.10.-02.11.2013 · Kategorien: Lesetipps · Tags:
Im Dialog mit Edward Said

Vorträge, Gespräche, Performances, Filme, Workshop
31. Oktober – 2. November 2013
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin



02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Syrien: adopt@revolution, Newsletter 01.07.2013 · Kategorien: Syrien · Tags:

Liebe AbonnentInnen des Newsletters, liebe Syrien-Interessierte,

die Nachrichtenlage aus Syrien bleibt geprägt von einer Verschärfung der humanitären Not und ansteigenden Opferzahlen. Der Exodus aus Syrien hat bislang nach offiziellen Zahlen mehr als 1,7 Millionen Menschen zu Flüchtlingen in Syriens Anrainerstaaten gemacht. Der Libanon ächzt zunehmend unter den fast 600.000 registrierten Flüchtlingen aus Syrien. Die Not der Flüchtlinge wird zudem von einigen gezielt ausgenutzt, um wirtschaftlichen Profit zu machen (The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/06/the-men-who-get-rich-off-syrian-refugees/277171/). Frauen & Mädchen werden oftmals Opfer von sexueller Belästigung und Ausbeutung, sodass eine unfreiwillige Ehe manchen als die beste aller schlechten Lösungen erscheint: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/05/child-marriages-rise-among-syrian-refugee-girls/276287/. Dies sind die – oftmals medial unsichtbaren – Folgen des Konflikts in Syrien. Allerdings sind syrische AktivistInnen im In- und Ausland bemüht, humanitäre Hilfe, (im)materiellen Beistand und Kampagnenarbeit zu leisten. Kindern einen Ausgleich zur beengten Lebenswelt im Camp zu bieten oder Familien besser vor Ausbeutung zu schützen, gehört zu den Zielen vieler kleiner NGOs und Initiativen.
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02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa Boat-people, Infos und Statistik 2013 · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: ,


Les traversées s’intensifient durant la période estivale

Créé le Lundi, 24 Juin 2013 17:17

Comme chaque été, les interceptions d’embarcations dans le Canal de Sicile s’effectuent à un rythme plus soutenu et leurs passager-e-s sont très souvent porté-e-s sur l’île de Lampedusa.

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02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien, Lager Choucha Schließung, Fahamu Newsletter · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags: ,


1st Jul 2013

STOP PRESS: Choucha closes

Contributed by Oliver Tringham.

The Tunisian office of UNHCR and the Tunisian Government pushed ahead with the closure of the Choucha Refugee Camp on Sunday, 30 June 2013.  On Friday, 28 June, there was a picture of a digger destroying the lavatories at the camp. Like so much with UNHCR Tunisia, it seems a strange way to behave: normally, you would wait for people to leave before demolishing a site.  UNHCR uses demolition as a tool to get people to leave.

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02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ägypten: Armee plant, die Verfassung außer Kraft zu setzen – Al Jazeera English · Kategorien: Ägypten · Tags: ,

Egypt army plans to suspend constitution – Middle East – Al Jazeera English.


Egypt army statement in full

Military says it will not stand idle as „the national security of the state is in severe danger“.

Last Modified: 01 Jul 2013 19:14
The Egyptian army on Monday gave politicians 48 hours to resolve the country’s political crisis or face intervention by the military. Here is the statement in full:

„Egypt and the whole world witnessed yesterday demonstrations by the great people of Egypt expressing their opinion in an unprecedented, peaceful and civilised way.

Everyone saw the movement of the Egyptian people and heard their voices with the greatest respect and concern. It is necessary that the people receive a reply to their movement and the call from every party with any responsibility in the dangerous circumstances surrounding the nation.

As a main party in the considerations of the future and based on their patriotic and historic responsibilities to protect security and stability, the armed forces state the following:

• The armed forces will not be a party in the circles of politics or governance and are not willing to step out of the role defined for them by the basic ideals of democracy based on the will of the people.

• The national security of the state is exposed to extreme danger by the developments the nation is witnessing, and this places a responsibility on us, each according to his position, to act as is proper to avert these dangers. The armed forces sensed early on the dangers of the current situation and the demands the great people have at this time. Therefore, it previously set a deadline of a week for all political forces in the country to come to a consensus and get out of this crisis. However, the week has passed without any sign of an initiative. This is what led to the people coming out with determination and resolve, in their full freedom, in this glorious way, which inspired surprise, respect and attention at the domestic, regional and international levels.

• Wasting more time will only bring more division and conflict, which we have warned about and continue to warn about. The noble people have suffered and have found no one to treat them with kindness or sympathize with them. That puts a moral and psychological burden on the armed forces, which find it obligatory that everyone drop everything and embrace these proud people, which have shown they are ready to do the impossible if only they feels there is loyalty and dedication to them.

• The armed forces repeat their call for the people’s demands to be met and give everyone 48 hours as a last chance to shoulder the burden of the historic moment that is happening in the nation, which will not forgive or tolerate any party that is lax in shouldering its responsibility.

• The armed forces put everyone on notice that if the demands of the people are not realised in the given time period, it will be obliged by its patriotic and historic responsibilities and by its respect for the demands of the great Egyptian people to announce a road map for the future and the steps for overseeing its implementation, with participation of all patriotic and
sincere parties and movements – including the youth, who set off the glorious revolution and continue to do so – without excluding anyone.

• A salute of appreciation and pride to the sincere and loyal men of the Armed Forces, who have always borne and will continue to bear their patriotic responsibilities toward the great people of Egypt with determination, decisiveness and pride. God save Egypt and its proud, great people.“

02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für EU – Marokko: Mobilitätspartnerschaft und Rückübernahmeabkommen · Kategorien: Europa, Marokko · Tags: ,


Maroc-UE : Partenariat de mobilité ou de réadmission de migrants ?

Migrations | Publié le 02.07.2013 à 02h00 |
Chercheur spécialisé en migrations

Abdelkrim Belguendouz

Le 7 juin 2013, était signée à Luxembourg entre le Maroc, l’UE et 9 Etats membres de l’UE (Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Suède, Royaume Uni), la « Déclaration conjointe établissant un Partenariat de mobilité entre le Royaume du Maroc et l’Union européenne et ses Etas membres ». Weiterlesen »

02. Juli 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesien: Rassismus (Y. Vamur) · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags:


La Tunisie malade du racisme

De nombreux faits et propos, ancrés dans la culture tunisienne, témoignent d’une véritable discrimination à l’encontre des Africains subsahariens. Ces agissements proviennent le plus souvent d’une forte méconnaissance et de préjugés véhiculés par les médias.

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