11. Februar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland: Abschiebeknast Revolte · Kategorien: Griechenland

Migrants face prosecution for minor riot
Eight undocumented immigrants faced a prosecutor in the northern city of Orestiada on Friday after being implicated in a minor riot that broke out on Thursday night in a detention center in Fylakio, near the Turkish border.
The migrants – five Algerians, two Moroccans and one Iraqi – face charges of damaging property and resisting the authorities. According to sources, they started vandalizing the premises of the detention center after finding out that their time in detention would be extended, by up to one year. According to authorities, the migrants broke bits of steel of doors at the facility and threw them at guards along with bricks and tiles.
There were no reports of injuries at the center where around 250 migrants are currently being detained.


Huit migrants enfermes au centre de Fylakio (pres de la frontiere turque) ont du repondre d’actes de „vandalisme“ devant la court d’Orestiada vendredi dernier. 5 Algeriens, 2 Marocains et 1 Irakien se sont revoltes et auraient pris des morceaux d’acier des portes pour les jeter, ainsi que des briques et des tuiles, sur des gardes.
Le centre de Fylakio compte 250 detenus en ce moment.


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