16. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Tarsia, il paese della Calabria che vuole ospitare un cimitero con le tombe di tutti i migranti morti“ · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: ,

Corriere della Sera | 16.04.2017

Presto il via ai lavori a Tarsia, in provincia di Cosenza. Il sindaco: «Vogliamo ridare dignità a questi morti e lanciare un messaggio al mondo che li criminalizza»

di Claudio Del Frate

Il più grande monumento a cielo aperto dedicato alla tragedia dell’immigrazione sarà un cimitero in Calabria. Nel comune di Tarsia, in provincia di Cosenza, ha fatto un passo avanti il progetto di seppellire qui, in un terreno appositamente dedicato, i corpi di tutti gli stranieri senza nome che muoiono nel Mediterraneo nel tentativo di raggiungere l’Italia. Un’ecatombe senza fine e che anche nel giorno di Pasqua ha contato almeno 20 vittime nell’ennesimo naufragio e oltre 700 disperati tratti in salvo all’ultimo momento. I tecnici del comune di Tarsia hanno completato il progetto e lo hanno presentato al sindaco Roberto Ameruso; il terreno c’è già ed è stato donato all’amministrazione pubblica dal promotore dell’idea, il presidente del movimento «Diritti Civili» Franco Corbelli.

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13. April 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Italien: Neue Schiffskatastrophe 100 Tote · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 13.04.2017

One hundred feared dead in latest migrant boat sinking

There are fears that some 97 people have drowned off Tripoli in the latest Mediterranean migrant tragedy.

The coastguard managed to rescue 23 people this morning after their boat got into difficulties and sank. Informed by radio about the incident, the service launched a rescue oepration and found the survivors, all men, clinging to wreckage some ten kilometres off Gargaresh, the west Tripoli suburb o

However, coastguard spokesman Ayoub Qassem told Reuters that they had reported that some 120 people had been on board the inflatable vessel, including 15 women and five children.

So far no bodies have been found. Qassem was quoted by another agency saying that bad weather had prevented a search for the victims although, un Tripoli, the weather was sunny and fine.

The migrants are believed to have left from Janzour, west of Gargaresh.

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30. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyen, Italien: Neue Schiffskatastrophe 146 Tote · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: ,

Libya Herald | 29.03.2017

Yet more migrants drown

A 16 year-old Gambian boy appears to have been the only one of some 150 migrants to survive when their inflatable sank yesterday off the coast near Sabratha.

The boy was picked up by a Spanish frigate, transferred to an Italian vessel and landed in Lampedusa. Safely ashore, he said that those on the raft with him had included five children and several pregnant women.

All had drowned, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) told Reuters. The boy had survived by grabbing a fuel tank after the raft began to deflate and take water. He added that the migrants had been launched from Sabratha.

Yesterday, the Sabratha’s mayor said that the municipality had lost control over local fuel smugglers. He did not mention people smugglers, who appear to operate just as freely as those who are stealing subsidised fuel from under the noses of the authorities.

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25. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Flüchtlingsboot in der Ägäis gesunken“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

DW | 24.03.2017

Bei der Überfahrt nach Griechenland sind mindestens elf Flüchtlinge vor der türkischen Küste ertrunken. Ein Schlauchboot mit 22 Menschen an Bord kenterte nahe der griechischen Insel Samos, wie türkische Medien berichten.

Die türkische Küstenwache konnte sieben Menschen retten, vier werden immer noch vermisst. Das Flüchtlingsboot sei in der Ägäis auf der Höhe der Provinz Aydin gekentert. Elf Tote seien am Strand geborgen worden, berichten türkische Medien übereinstimmend.

Die Nachrichtenagentur Dogan zeigte Bilder der an der Küste angeschwemmten Leichen. Die Flüchtlinge, deren Nationalität nicht mitgeteilt wurde, wollten vermutlich auf die griechische Insel Samos, die gegenüber dem türkischen Distrikt Kusadasi liegt.

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24. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Enough is enough: Deaths on the Western Balkans Route · Kategorien: Balkanroute · Tags:

IRR | 22.03.2017

A public push is needed to stop refugee and migrant deaths on the western Balkans route.

IRR News continues its investigation into violations and deaths at EU borders, focusing on seven deaths in the Serbian, Hungarian and Bulgarian border zones.

All the official reports, photographic evidence, testimonies and case studies are there. Fresh Response Serbia, the Migrant Solidarity Group of Hungary (Migszol), Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Doctors Without Borders, Are You Syrious (AYS), Moving Europe, Centre for Peace Studies, Jesuit Refugee Service, Amnesty International, Save the Children, Human Rights Watch, these and countless other NGOs and activists have tirelessly documented a pattern of violation and abuse by border guards, military personnel and vigilantes, at Serbia’s borders with Hungary, Bulgaria and Croatia.

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), which keeps a record of migrant and refugee deaths in Europe in an attempt to ‘memorialise death and restore full humanity to those who have died’,[1] has noted seven deaths over the last year in Serbia, and at the border zones with Hungary and Bulgaria.[2] An estimated 8-9,000 refugees are currently stranded in Serbia, many of whom have survived the winter, when temperatures plummeted to -20C, camping in abandoned warehouses behind the main train station in Belgrade. One 18-year-old Afghan boy did not make it through the winter. In November 2016, his frozen and malnourished body was discovered in an abandoned industrial building in Bulgaria, very close to the Serbian border. Two others whose deaths were recorded, an unnamed Afghan and an unnamed Pakistani man, were walking in dangerous areas close to unofficial makeshift migrant settlements when they were knocked down by vehicles. While the Afghan man, the victim of a hit-and- run, died close to Belgrade, the Pakistani man died close to the Horgoš transit zone, on the Serbian side of the border with Hungary, in a field which is only accessible by walking along a highway and across a small dirt road.

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24. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Migranti, la Libia boccia l’accordo con l’Italia. In mare altri 240 morti“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Corriere della Sera | 23.03.2017

La Corte di Tripoli ha bloccato il patto del 2 febbraio scorso con Gentiloni: la fazione di Haftar non lo ha riconosciuto. La nuova tragedia denunciata da una Ong spagnola

di Claudio Del Frate

La Libia blocca l’accordo con l’Italia sul controllo dei migranti proprio nel giorno in cui, sempre nelle acque nordafricane si consuma l’ennesima tragedia dei barconi: secondo alcune fonti almeno 240 persone sarebbero affogate a poche miglia dalla costa libica nel tentativo di raggiungere l’altra sponda del Mediterraneo. L’accordo tra i governi di Tripoli e Roma è stato bloccato invece dalla corte d’appello libica. Ne dà notizia il sito del quotidiano Lybia Herald. L’intesa era stata firmata il 2 febbraio scorso tra il premier Paolo Gentiloni e dal suo omologo libico Fayez al Serraj. Non è chiaro a questo punto quale saranno le conseguenze sui flussi in partenza dall’Africa. Secondo il quotidiano la sentenza è solo l’ultima puntata in ordine di tempio della guerra a distanza tra Serraj, sostenuto dall’Onu, ed il generale Khalifa Haftar, l’uomo forte della Cirenaica, appoggiato da Egitto, Russia e Francia, tra gli altri, e che non riconosce l’autorità del premier libico.

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23. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „More than 200 migrants feared drowned in Mediterranean“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: ,

BBC | 23.03.2017

More than 200 migrants are feared dead in a boat sinking off the coast of Libya, a Spanish aid organisation says.

Proactiva Open Arms said it had recovered five bodies floating near two capsized boats, which can each hold more than 100 people.

The group’s Laura Lanuza said the five they pulled from the Mediterranean were young men who appeared to have drowned.

A spokesman for Italy’s coast guard, which co-ordinates rescues, confirmed the five deaths, Reuters reports.

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19. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Folgorato sul tetto del treno per la Svizzera, 20 giorni fa rimase ucciso un migrante“ · Kategorien: Italien, Schweiz · Tags:

La Repubblica | 18.03.2017

L’uomo è gravissimo. Potrebbe trattarsi di un episodio analogo, ma la polizia cantonale per il momento non diffonde i dettagli. A Como associazioni italiane e svizzere per ricordare il giovane che ha perso la vita a fine febbraio. Era partito da Milano


Un nuovo tragico episodio sul tetto di un treno partito dall’Italia in direzion Svizzera. Le notizie al momento sono ancora pochissime ma secondo quanto ricostruito finora dalla polizia cantonale un uomo nel pomeriggio, intorno alle 17 all’altezza della stazione di Chiasso, è rimasto folgorato dalla scarica sprigionatasi dalla linea di contatto tra ferrovia e convoglio. L’incidente è avvenuto „per motivi e modalità che l’inchiesta dovrà stabilire“, spiegano gli agenti. Sul posto anche i pompieri di Chiasso e Mendrisio oltre all’equipe medica che dopo aver soccorso l’uomo lo ha trasportato a Lugano, è gravissimo. Sono in corso accertamenti per stabilire l’identità della vittima.

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17. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Kampfhubschrauber soll Flüchtlingsboot attackiert haben“ · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: , ,

Zeit Online | 17.03.2017

Vor der Küste des Jemens wurden 31 Somalier getötet. Laut Küstenwache waren sie als Flüchtlinge auf dem Weg in den Sudan. Ein Apache-Helikopter soll sie beschossen haben.

Bei einem Angriff mit einem Kampfhubschrauber auf ein Flüchtlingsboot sind vor der Küste des Jemen mindestens 31 Somalier getötet worden. Das melden die jemenitische Küstenwache und Vertreter des Gesundheitsdienstes.

Demnach ereignete sich der Zwischenfall am späten Donnerstag nahe der Meeresenge Bab al-Mandab, eine strategisch wichtige Meeresenge, die das Rote Meer mit dem Golf von Aden verbindet. Täglich sind dort Öltanker mit einer Kapazität von insgesamt vier Millionen Barrel unterwegs.

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15. März 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „IOM: 525 refugees die at sea in first few weeks of 2017“ · Kategorien: Mittelmeer · Tags: , , ,

Al Jazeera | 14.03.2017

Number of drowned in Mediterranean from January to early March higher than last year, raising alarm among rights groups.

Anealla Safdar

More refugees have died in the Mediterranean over the first nine weeks of this year compared with the same period in 2016, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

From January 1 to March 9, at least 521 people drowned while attempting to cross the treacherous sea compared with 471 in the same period a year ago. At least another four refugees died on Friday, bringing the 2017 death toll to 525 people, according to IOM.

The figures raised alarm on Tuesday among human rights organisations, which have repeatedly called for safer passages.

The rising deaths came as the number of people making the dangerous crossing from Libya more than doubled, with 13,439 arriving in Italy compared with 5,273 a year earlier.

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