28. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für New powers for the German Federal Police: undercover agents to combat unwanted migration · Kategorien: Deutschland · Tags: ,

Quelle: Digit

In the future, the Federal Police will also be able to deploy undercover agents. The provision is part of the new “Act to Improve Information Exchange in the Fight Against International Terrorism”, which the Grand Coalition adopted on 24 June 2016 and the parliamentary groups of the opposition voted against.

The version amended by the Committee on Internal Affairs which was finally adopted states that the deployment of undercover agents has now become “indispensible and long overdue” [1] for the central policing duties the Federal Police has assumed for 20 years now. In the debate over the bill, the President of the Federal Police, Dieter Romann, also spoke out. In a statement submitted late[2] he cited the phenomenon of “illegal migration” as justification for the need for statutory undercover threat-prevention powers. He stated that the Federal Police was no longer in a position to sufficiently counter the tactics of “smuggler organisations” “using traditional, conventional methods”. “People smugglers” acted “highly conspiratorially, with division of labour, shielding themselves from police actions to a large degree”. Witnesses and victims, he claimed, were “intimidated with violence or coerced into giving false evidence”. “The most deaths”, he said, were in the area of organised crime, which “illegal people smuggling” is subsumed under. For this reason the preventive deployment of undercover agents by the Federal Police was a “tactical requirement”. This included, he went on, “discretionary investigations”. Such a possibility existed in almost all of the police laws of the Länder, or federal states, (with the exception of Schleswig-Holstein) and in the Federal Criminal Police Office Act and had proven successful.

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28. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Griechenland will ‚eine große Zahl Migranten‘ aufs Festland bringen“ · Kategorien: Europa, Griechenland · Tags:

Quelle: Spiegel Online

Die Lage in den Flüchtlingscamps auf griechischen Inseln ist teils chaotisch. Das sei auch Schuld der EU-Länder, sagt Europaminister Xydakis. Nun würden Migranten in „bewachte Räumlichkeiten“ auf dem Festland gebracht.

Entgegen bisheriger Pläne will Griechenland Flüchtlinge nicht länger in den überfüllten Lagern auf den Ostägäis-Inseln festhalten. „Wir werden in Kürze damit beginnen, eine große Zahl Migranten auf das Festland zu bringen, um die Inseln in der Ostägäis zu entlasten“, sagte der stellvertretende griechische Außenminister und Europaminister Nikos Xydakis der „Welt„.

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28. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Orbán says EU should deport all illegal migrants, attacks UK · Kategorien: Ungarn · Tags: ,

Quelle: Euractiv

Hungary’s prime minister said the European Union should round up and deport all illegal immigrants and assemble them in EU-supervised refugee camps beyond the bloc’s borders where they can then file for asylum.

“This could be an island, it could be a coastal area in North Africa, but the security and supplies of that area must be guaranteed by the EU in its own interest,” Viktor Orbán told the news website Origo in an interview published today (22 September).

The firebrand premier has provoked controversy with tough rhetoric about migrants and a razor wire fence along Hungary’s southern border, as well as a referendum against mandatory resettlement quotas on 2 October.

“Those who came illegally must be rounded up and shipped out,” Orbán said.

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28. September 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Greece: “Our hope is broken” – Amnesty International · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Quelle: Amnesty International

European paralysis leaves thousands of refugees stranded in Greece

In 2015, the global refugee crisis moved centre stage in Europe as never before. Uprooted by persecution and conflicts old and new, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children looked to Europe as a place of safety. One year on, following the sealing of successive borders, images of thousands of people trudging through the Balkans have stopped. But the humanitarian crisis has not. Almost 60,000 refugees and migrants are stranded in Greece, the majority in appalling conditions.

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