13. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Spanischer Innenminister: “Give me an address and I’ll send the migrants there“ · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien


„[…] In comments to TV station Antena 3, and reported by Europa Press, Fernández Díaz said: “From offices in northern Europe where they don’t have this problem, from central Europe, or from other places where they give lectures on humanitarianism, I would tell them to give me an address and we will send them – that said, with the commitment that they are going to look after them and that they are going to give them a job appropriate to their status and their abilities.” – The minister argued that there is a “lot of hypocrisy” regarding the issue. “If the problem could be resolved by picking up these poor people on Gurugú [the Moroccan mountain where the migrants camp out] in front of the Melilla border fence, or by going to Ceuta and picking up thousands of illegal immigrants and putting them in Spain, and we fixed the problem like that, I assure you I would do it tomorrow,” he said. […]“

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