25. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Zypern Kreuzfahrtschiff rettet 300 syrische Bootsflüchtlinge · Kategorien: Griechenland, Syrien · Tags: ,

„Cyprus cruise liner rescues 300 refugees


Nicosia AFP – A cruise liner returning from Greece was pressed into action in rough seas off Cyprus Thursday to rescue some 300 people thought to be Syrian refugees whose trawler had run into trouble. The refugees, mostly women and children, were loaded aboard the Salamis Filoxenia cruise liner and were in „good health“, according to George Ppouro, the harbour master in the Cypriot port of Limassol.

The vessel was expected to dock at around 9:00 pm 1800 GMT in Limassol, where the interior ministry said the migrants would be given health checks. The liner had been en route from the Greek island of Syros to Limassol when it received a call to assist in the rescue operation. The trawler sent out a distress signal at 6:25 am 0325 GMT when it was about 50 nautical miles southwest of the tourist hub of Paphos, the Cypriot government said.

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25. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone – Watch The Med Aufruf in diversen Sprache · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Mittelmeerroute · Tags: , ,



For Boatpeople in Distress at Sea and in Cases of Pushback

The Watch The Med Alarm Phone is a ‘hotline’ for people in distress at sea. Our hotline will run 24/7 and will immediately raise alarm when refugees and migrants get into situations of distress at sea and are not promptly rescued. It will be managed by human rights activists from both sides of the Mediterranean and offer a multilingual team that will first advise all persons in distress to alert the officially responsible rescue teams. The Watch The Med Alarm Phone does not possess rescue-teams and we cannot offer direct protection. When a distress call is received, we will call the coast guards ourselves, and follow up on their response, making known to them that we are informed and ‘watching’ them. If they fail to respond, we will gather all imaginable political and public pressure to force them to do so.


 + +  The number will be published here on the 10th of October  + +



+ +  Read and download the flyer in  EN   FR   AR   DT   GR   IT  ES    + +


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25. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Andalusien: 12 Boat-people angekommen · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags:

Interceptada una patera con 12 inmigrantes, entre ellos un menor, a 2 millas de la costa de BarbateSalvamento Marítimo ha interceptado en la madrugada de este miércoles una patera con doce inmigrantes a bordo, entre ellos un menor, a dos millas de la costa de la localidad gaditana de Barbate.


Según han informado a Europa Press fuentes del servicio unificado de emergencias 112, la embarcación fue avistada e interceptada por Salvamento sobre las 01,50 horas a dos millas de la costa y a continuación fue trasladada hasta el puerto de Barbate.Sus doce ocupantes se encuentran en aparente buen estado de salud, aunque dos de ellos fueron atendidos por Cruz Roja a su llegada al puerto de Barbate.

via Interceptada una patera con 12 inmigrantes, entre ellos un menor, a 2 millas de la costa de Barbate

25. September 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tunesische Grenzer erschießen Syrer auf Flucht nach Libyen / Europa · Kategorien: Libyen, Tunesien · Tags: , ,

Syrian killed by Tunisian border guards as he attempts to enter Libya

By Libya Herald staff

A Syrian was shot and killed and four others injured as they attempted to cross the Tunisian border into Libya, according to the Tunisian Ministry of Interior.

The men were fired upon by members of the Tunisian National Guard after the driver of the car in which they were riding refused a command to stop. Varying sources report there were between 12 and 14 people in the vehicle. It is reported to have been travelling in a restricted area.

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