Immigrati, l’intervista al ministro Pinotti: «La Nato si occupi di pattugliare i mari»
di Marco Ventura
La Nato in campo, anzi in mare, per controllare l’immigrazione. Contro scafisti e possibili terroristi infiltrati sui barconi. Weiterlesen »
Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht & Migration
Immigrati, l’intervista al ministro Pinotti: «La Nato si occupi di pattugliare i mari»
di Marco Ventura
La Nato in campo, anzi in mare, per controllare l’immigrazione. Contro scafisti e possibili terroristi infiltrati sui barconi. Weiterlesen »
vollständiger Text:
Neues Grenzregime: AFP 6 septembre 2014
L’Arabie saoudite a achevé la construction d’une épaisse clôture qui sépare désormais son territoire de l’Irak […], a annoncé samedi l’agence officielle SPA. Cette clôture de 900 kilomètres comprenant cinq épaisseurs est la première étape d’un projet visant à ceindre l’intégralité du royaume, soit 9.000 kilomètres, de murailles de haute technologie. Weiterlesen »
Tunis september 6th, 2014
The second anniversary of the tragedy of Lampione:
The illegal migrants: between a tragic reality and dehumanized procedures
On September 06th, 2012 a tragedy stroke the Italian island Lampione costing dozens of young people their lives. They thought they were escaping the unemployment and a precarious social situation.
Vollständige Erklärung:
communiqué 6 septembre-2
communiqué 6 septembreAR
Find on this blog a brief overview on the 2 years history of the We Are Here movement in Amsterdam and some current (very sad) circumstances:
Human rights and refused asylum seekers in the Netherlands.
Since 2012, a group of people from a number of countries have formed a group in Amsterdam called We Are Here.
There are men and women, old and young. Some have been here for many years. Others are relative newcomers. What do they have in common? They all came to the Netherlands in search of protection. Another common factor is that they have all since been denied residence. Their asylum claims refused, or their temporary refugee status taken away. They have been ordered to leave the country but have refusedto do so, either because they fear for their lives if returned to their countries of origin, or because they dont have the paperwork necessary toreturn.