31. Oktober 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Turin Abschiebeknast: Studie · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags:

„In my country there are troubles right now. Why do they put me in this centre? My family in Libya was affected a lot by the war in Libya. My brother was burnt alive and my father was killed. I escaped from Libya because of the war and I got to Tunisia. From Tunisia I left for Italy. – Interview 22“

We are pleased to announce the publication of the International University College of Turin report „Betwixt and Between: Turin CIE. A human rights investigation into Turin immigration detention centre. This report examines the extent to which Italian, European and international human rights and migration law is applied in Turin centro di identificazione ed espulsione (Turin CIE); an immigration detention centre in northern Italy.


This study was motivated by the fact that a number of institutions and organisations at local, national and international level have expressed concern about the current praxis of administrative detention of irregular migrants in Italy. The report was researched and written by post-graduate and undergraduate students attending the International University College of Turin Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic (HRMLC), under supervision from Mr Ulrich Stege and Avv. Maurizio Veglio. The HRMLC is run by the International University College of Turin in cooperation with the Faculties of Law of the University of Turin and the Eastern Piedmont University in Alessandria and in partnership with the Italian immigration lawyers network Associazione Studi Giuridici sulla Immigrazione (ASGI). The PDF version of Betwixt and Between: Turin CIE is available at the following link: http://www.iuctorino.it/content/betwixt-and-between-turin%E2%80%99s-cie

Please feel free to distribute this report amongst your network. If you wish, we would be extremely pleased to have our report published on or linked to your website. There is very little information available in English which documents the experiences of migrants in Italian administrative detention. We hope to be able to spread our legal findings and the testimonies from those detainees, professionals and volunteers who so generously offered their personal stories and their time to us. Therefore, we are also pleased to inform you that we are organising a conference in relation to this report, the details for which will be avaliable at www.iuctorino.it in the upcoming weeks. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us either via this email address or via telephone on +39 329 4054882.

Yours sincerely, Ulrich Stege IUC Clinical Program Coordinator Lecturer on International and European Migration Law Piazza Carlo Felice,18 – 10121 “ Turin (Italy) Tel: +39 011 4407007 Mob: +39 329 4054882 Email: ustege@iuctorino.it

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