17. Juli 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lampedusa In Festival – mit B4p – Programm · Kategorien: Italien · Tags: , , ,

The LampedusaInFestival – now in its fourth edition – will introduce along with the main theme of immigration, the theme of democracy. In fact 2011 was the year of the crisis of Western democracies, and dictatorships of North Africa.
The main objective of the event is to make room for the debate on migration. In particular this year, we want to create a bridge with the countries of North Africa to understand better the prospects for the future in light of the changes that have profoundly changed this region of the world so close to us and in many ways unknown. The backbone of LampedusaInFestival is on the one hand the promotion of values such as acceptance, dialogue, and diversity, the other critics of the causes that inspire thousands of people to leave their land.
To do this, we decided to use the cinema as an instrument of greater impact for the dissemination of culture. One tool that can raise awareness and help improve society. The film can keep the memory alive, telling stories through which to analyze, decode and understand global phenomena.
The method chosen to investigate the complex reality in which we live is through film, music, and art.

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Programme Infestival Français-2


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