28. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für 24 dead, including 10 children, in Greek migrant boat sinking: Coastguard · Kategorien: Griechenland, Mittelmeer, Türkei · Tags:

Quelle: Daily News

The bodies of 24 migrants, including 10 children, were discovered off the Greek island of Samos Jan. 28 after their boat capsized, the Greek coastguard said.

Eleven people from a dinghy carrying 45 people were still listed as missing following the latest tragedy involving overladen migrant boats crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece.

Ten people were rescued unharmed.

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26. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Rescuers unable to help 31 refugees who drowned due to laws preventing people smuggling“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: Independent

Lifesavers were in international waters while the sinking boat was stranded on the Turkish side of the sea

At least 31 refugees drowned in the Aegean Sea after rescue workers stationed nearby were initially left unable to assist them until the boat had left Turkish waters.

Australian national Simon Lewis says he and a team of rescue workers were sailing in international waters near the Greek island of Lesbos when they heard reports of a refugee boat nearby.

Because the boat was still in Turkish waters at the time, Mr Lewis’ crew were not dispatched to the scene and were therefore not much closer to help when the vessel subsequently started to sink, leaving 31 people dead.

Had the vessel made it into international waters before sinking then rescue workers could have approached them and helped.

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22. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Greece’s coast guard says at least 21 people have died in two separate sinkings of boats smuggling migrants off two Greek islands overnight · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

Quelle: Daily Journal

Greece’s coast guard says at least 21 people have died in two separate sinkings of boats smuggling migrants off two Greek islands overnight. Dozens have survived, and a search and rescue operation is underway for more potential survivors.

The coast guard says a wooden boat carrying 48 people sank in the early hours of Friday off the small island of Farmakonissi in the eastern Aegean. Forty of the passengers managed to make it to shore, while authorities rescued one girl and recovered seven bodies from the sea.

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21. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für At least 12 migrants killed in new tragedy off Turkey · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

Quelle: The Guardian

At least 12 migrants were killed and several more went missing Thursday when their boat sank while trying to cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey to EU member Greece, Turkish media reports said.

The boat, carrying some 50 migrants, struck trouble after leaving the western Turkish resort of Foca in the Izmir region for the Greek island of Lesbos.

Twenty-eight people were saved while up to dozen more are still feared missing, NTV television said.

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17. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Five bodies wash up on shore of Samos“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: Ekathimerini

Five people, most likely migrants, have been found dead off the eastern Greek island of Samos, Greek authorities report.

The Greek coast guard has recovered the bodies of two men and three women, and are trying to recover the sixth in rough seas, a coast guard spokeswoman told The Associated Press.

No vessel has been recovered yet. The rescue operation continues, said the spokeswoman, who was not authorized to be identified because of the continuing operation.

Samos, which lies very close to the Turkish coast, is one of the main points of entry for migrants, most refugees from Syria and Iraq.

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13. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für ‚Help, we’re sinking‘: aboard a refugee rescue boat in the perilous Greek seas · Kategorien: Griechenland, Mittelmeer · Tags: ,

Quelle: The Guardian

Ten times as many refugees have arrived in Europe by boat so far this month as in the whole of last January. Patrick Kingsley talks to some of the arrivals on the Greek island of Agathonisi and observes the rescue of a sinking dinghy

“Help,” shouts Ahmed, a Syrian doctor. He stands up in his inflatable dinghy, surrounded by 39 other refugees, and calls out to an approaching rescue boat. “We are sinking.”

A few metres away, bursting from the dark cockpit of the orange rescue launch, captain John Hamilton at first hopes that Ahmed is exaggerating.

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11. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Tod von fünf Flüchtlingen vor italienischer Küste befürchtet · Kategorien: Italien, Mittelmeer · Tags: ,

Quelle: der Standard

Schlepper hatten 40 Menschen zum Sprung ins Wasser gezwungen – Seit 1. Jänner rund 24.000 Flüchtlinge via Slowenien nach Österreich

Rom – Nach einem Flüchtlingsunglück vor der süditalienischen Küste wird der Tod von fünf Frauen aus Somalia befürchtet. Schlepper hatten die Insassen eines Bootes gezwungen, unweit der Stadt Leuca ins Wasser zu springen. 35 Menschen gelang es laut Medienberichten, ans Festland zu schwimmen, nach vier Personen suchten die Rettungskräfte am Montagvormittag noch, eine Frau konnte nur tot geborgen werden. […]

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07. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Küste des Todes“ · Kategorien: Türkei · Tags: ,

Quelle: SZ

Mehr als 36 Menschen sind auf der Flucht in der Ägäis ertrunken. Überlebende erheben schwere Vorwürfe gegen Griechenland.

Nach dem jüngsten Flüchtlingsunglück in der Ägäis, bei dem am Dienstag mindestens 36 Menschen umgekommen sind, erheben Überlebende schwere Vorwürfe. Die türkische Zeitung Hürriyet berichtet, zwölf gerettete Flüchtlinge hätten angegeben, von der griechischen Küstenwache trotz unruhiger See zur Umkehr gezwungen worden zu sein. Am Abend teilte die griechische Küstenwache mit, dass die Vorwürfe jeglicher Grundlage entbehrten. In türkischen Gewässern seien sie schließlich gekentert. Dutzende Leichen sind an der westtürkischen Küste in Ayvalık und Dikili ans Ufer gespült worden, darunter viele Kinder und eine Schwangere. Die Behörden gehen davon aus, dass es sich bei den Menschen um irakische, algerische und syrische Staatsangehörige handelt.

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07. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Lesbos: Ai Weiwei plant Monument für Flüchtlinge · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

Quelle: Frankfurter Rundschau

Der chinesische Bildhauer und Menschenrechtler Ai Weiwei plant auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos ein Monument zur Erinnerung an die in der Ägäis umgekommenen Flüchtlinge.

Der chinesische Bildhauer und Menschenrechtler Ai Weiwei plant auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos ein Monument zur Erinnerung an die in der Ägäis umgekommenen Flüchtlinge. «Das, was ich gesehen habe, hat mich als Mensch und Künstler berührt», sagte er der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

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05. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migranti, nuovo naufragio: 21 morti in Turchia tra cui 3 bimbi. “Controlli alla frontiera con la Slovenia, l’Italia ci pensa” · Kategorien: Griechenland, Italien, Slowenien, Türkei · Tags: , ,

Quelle: Il Fatto Quotidiano

I corpi sono stati trovati all’alba nel distretto di Ayvalik, sulla costa egea. L’imbarcazione partita da Smirne e diretta all’isola greca di Lesbo si è capovolta in mare. Il bilancio delle vittime potrebbe aumentare. Secondo il Corriere della Sera, dopo le decisioni di Danimarca e Svezia, il Viminale intende arginare il flusso di persone che non vengono registrate dall’altra parte del confine

In un contesto in cui Danimarca e Svezia blindano i loro confini ripristinando i controlli alle frontiere per arginare gli ingressi di migranti, e la Francia in “stato di emergenza” post attentati terrà chiusi i confini per tre mesi, anche l’Italia sembra pronta a farlo attivando un cordone alla frontiera con la Slovenia. Decisioni che arrivano nelle stesse ore in cui la cronaca registra nuovi naufragi e ancora vittime, tra cui diversi bambini. L’ultimo è avvenuto poche ore fa sulle coste della Turchia. Tra i ventuno adulti ci sono anche tre piccoli.

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