26. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Cinq migrants décèdent près des côtes marocaines · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: ,

5 Tote, 45 Vermisste

Yabiladi | 26.04.2018

Cinq migrants ont trouvé la mort près des côtes nord du Maroc alors qu’ils tentaient de rejoindre l’Espagne, rapporte l’Agence France-Presse, qui cite les garde-côtes espagnols.

Cette opération de sauvetage est la deuxième du genre menée par les autorités espagnoles. Hier matin, les Services maritimes du voisin ibérique ont intercepté 14 candidats à l’immigration irrégulière qui se trouvaient sur un bateau pneumatique, près des eaux territoriales de Gibraltar en direction de Cadix, une ville côtière du sud de l’Espagne.

Les migrants ont été retrouvés morts dans les eaux situées à 40 kilomètres des côtes marocaines lorsque les secouristes sont arrivés sur place, a indiqué un porte-parole à la même source. L’un d’eux est décédé des suites d’un arrêt cardiaque.

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26. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „What Refugees Face on the World’s Deadliest Migration Route“ · Kategorien: Mittelmeer · Tags: ,

New York Times | 16.04.2018


Stinging, salty waves crashed over the deck as frantic figures climbed on board. It was midnight in November, and we were 30 miles off the coast of Libya, where our small ship was quickly filling with scores of terrified, freezing refugees whom we had rescued from the chilly waters. I stepped over an elderly paraplegic man sprawled on the deck so I could wrap blankets around a teenage Egyptian boy battling hypothermia. His eyes rolled back in his head as he tried to stay awake.

“Doctor, my name is Rafiq,” he told me in broken English. “I am alone. I am 15 years old. If I die, please tell my family.”

I peeled his clothes from his clammy body and wrapped my arms around him to try to keep him warm. I felt his heartbeat flutter and wondered if he would make it until morning. Beside him, the paraplegic man searched in vain for his small knapsack, which he had lost during the rescue. Nearby, a Sudanese mother cradled a wailing, emaciated 40-day-old baby covered in lumpy skin lesions.

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23. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „537 people rescued from overloaded boats off Libya safe on board the Aquarius“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

SOS Mediterranee | 22.04.2018

Press Release

The Aquarius, chartered by SOS MEDITERRANEE and operated in partnership with Médecins Sans Frontières, rescued a total of 458 people from overloaded unseaworthy boats in international waters off Libya, in three operations on Wednesday and Saturday. In addition, the Aquarius received a transfer of 79 people from the Italian Coast Guard on Saturday evening.

164 people were rescued from an overloaded rubber boat on Wednesday 18 April in international waters east of Tripoli. The rescue was carried out in cooperation with the NGO vessel Seafuchs, an Italian Navy helicopter and the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (IMRCC).

222 people were then rescued from an overcrowded wooden boat by the Aquarius in the morning of Saturday 21 April in international waters west of Tripoli. The operation was carried out in coordination with the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center.

72 people were then later rescued from a rubber boat in the same area in cooperation with the Astral operated by the NGO ProActiva, and the Moonbird patrol aircraft operated by the NGO Sea-Watch.

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19. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Chamseddine, il pescatore che raccoglie migranti in mare“ · Kategorien: Mittelmeer, Tunesien · Tags: ,

Tunesischer Fischer, der schon mehr als 400 im Mittelmeer ertrunkene Migranten geborgen hat, um sie zu begraben, spricht im europäischen Parlament. „In Zarzis habe ich den Friedhof der Unbekannten errichtet. Jetzt ist er voll. Es gibt keinen Platz mehr.“

La Repubblica | 19.04.2018

Al Parlamento Ue la testimonianza di Marzoug, il pescatore tunisino che salva migranti dispersi nel Mediterraneo e recupera i cadaveri di chi non ce l’ha fatta, per poi seppellirli: „Ho raccolto oltre 400 corpi sinora. Capisco le frontiere, ma capisco meglio gli esseri umani“


Chamseddine Marzoug è un pescatore. Vive a Zarzis, un villaggio della costa tunisina, tra Djerba e il confine con la Libia. Quando esce in barca per pescare si imbatte sempre più spesso in qualcosa che non vorrebbe. Corpi di migranti di tutte le età che galleggiano, alla deriva. A volte sono ancora vivi, aggrappati a pezzi di legno, e riesce a salvarli. Altre volte no. Sono i senza nome, gli sconosciuti di cui non si ha notizia, che non fanno più notizia. Migliaia di persone che tentano la traversata e non ce la fanno. Lui li raccoglie, li porta a riva, e gli dà una degna sepoltura.

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17. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „La Policía de Marruecos detiene a 80 subsaharianos que se disponían a viajar a España“ · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags: ,

El Mundo | 15.04.2018

Ochenta inmigrantes subsaharianos han sido detenidos este sábado en dos operaciones distintas en las costas rifeñas del norte de Marruecos cuando se disponían a viajar a España, informaron a Efe fuentes policiales.

La primera operación se desarrolló en la playa de Sidi Omar Umusa, al oeste de Nador, y consistió en la intercepción de una patera (una lancha neumática con un motor Yamaha añadido) en la que se encontraban 25 inmigrantes ya en rumbo hacia España.

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13. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Les Marocains reprennent les pateras“ · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags:

Mehr Harragas aus Marokko

LesEco | 12.04.2018

Les jeunes Marocains empruntent à nouveau des embarcations depuis les côtes marocaines pour rejoindre l’Europe. Zoom sur ces départs périlleux.

Écrit par Salaheddine LEMAIZI

Aux premières lueurs du jour, ce 9 avril, les corps de six personnes échouent sur la plage de Houara, près de Tanger. Un nouveau drame de l’émigration irrégulière. Parmi les victimes, quatre Marocains. Le même scénario se reproduit depuis plusieurs mois. La route de l’ouest de la Méditerranée est désormais réactivée. Les jeunes Marocains sont ceux qui risquent le plus leur vie pour rejoindre l’Eldorado européen. Du jamais vu depuis le début des années 2000. Au point que l’Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes (FRONTEX), bras opérationnel de l’Union européenne, lance un signal d’alerte face à la reprise de l’émigration irrégulière des Marocains depuis les côtes Nord et Sud du pays.

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06. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Die Angehörigen der Toten von Agathonisi protestieren auf dem Syntagma-Platz · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags: , ,

Griechenlandsolidarität | 06.04.2018

02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Straße von Gibraltar: Mindestens vier Flüchtlinge ertrunken“ · Kategorien: Marokko, Mittelmeer, Mittelmeerroute, Spanien · Tags: ,

Deutschlandfunk | 01.04.2018

Bei der Überfahrt von Marokko nach Spanien sind mehrere Flüchtlinge ertrunken.

Wie die spanischen Rettungskräfte mitteilten, wurden vier Leichen aus dem Meer vor Gibraltar geborgen. Ein Flüchtling konnte gerettet werden. Nach seinen Angaben befanden sich insgesamt zwölf Menschen auf dem Boot, mit dem sie über die Meer-Enge die spanische Küste erreichen wollten.

Nach Angaben der Internationalen Organisation für Migration sind in diesem Jahr bereits 120 Menschen bei dem Versuch ums Leben gekommen, über das Meer nach Spanien zu gelangen.

02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Left to Die in the Aegean Sea? · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Griechenland · Tags: ,

Alarmphone | 01.04.2018

A Statement of Solidarity with the Survivors of the Agathonisi Shipwreck and their Relatives

On the 16th of March, two families tried to reach Europe through the Aegean Sea, one from Afghanistan, one from Iraq. They left Turkey and swiftly moved toward the Greek island of Agathonisi. But shortly before reaching it, they capsized. A relative of the Afghan family on Samos Island notified the authorities repeatedly, via phone and in person. At that point, many of the shipwrecked could have still been rescued. According to the survivors, they stayed afloat for several hours, waiting for help. But a Search and Rescue operation was launched only a day later, after local resident had discovered the first bodies, and they could recover merely more dead bodies. Three survivors, a woman from Afghanistan, and a man and a woman from Iraq, had been able to swim ashore and together with Afghan relative they denounced not only the delayed actions of Greek authorities, but also the inaction of an unidentified boat that was in sight of the shipwrecked people but did not come to their rescue.

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02. April 2018 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Migranti, dopo la Open Arms anche la nave Aquarius costretta ad affrontare il “coordinamento” libico · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Yesterday 31-03-2018 the SaR Aquarius of the NGO SOS Mediterranee was called by the MRCC Rome, for an urgent SaR activity in the central mediterranean. Later MRCC called again, and withdrawed the order, giving the SaR order to the so-called Libyan Coastguard. Arriving at the refugees in sea, Aquarius could save only 39 people. The Libyans took back 90 boat-people to Libya.

It seems that the Italian Navy intervened in the coordination of this SaR activity, with military orders to the MRCC in Rome. For the SaR activists, a clear message to the MRCC should be done: a SaR order to NGO ships cannot be withdrawned, promoting illegal Italo-Libyan push-back-actions.

Il Fatto Quotidiano | 01.04.2018

Dopo il caso della nave di Proactiva, finita sotto sequestro a Pozzallo, ieri l’imbarcazione Sos Mediterranèe si è trovata nella stessa situazione, rendendo evidente quella che sembra ormai una prassi: una volta sul posto le navi vengono affidate al controllo di Tripoli che chiede loro di „restituire“ i migranti

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