03. April 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Refugee Movement Journey to Greece · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet

Quelle: Refugee Movement

We are a group of 13 people from different countries, almost all living in Germany. We speak a lot of different languages, e.g. Arabic, English, Farsi, Dari, French, German, Kurdish, Pashto, Urdu, and Turkish. Most of us met during the self-organized refugee struggles in Bavaria, or in other anti-racist contexts. Most members of our collective came to Germany as migrants from Non-Western countries.

All members of our collective believe in freedom of movement for everybody and the right to choose to go where people want, whenever they want. We believe that for this to become true, it is necessary to provide reliable and trustworthy information for migrants: About their journey to and through Europe, and on the asylum system in EU member states.

That’s why we are planning to travel through Greece for two weeks, from the 24th of March to the 8th of April. We aim at meeting people on the ground, in order to provide them with information through leaflets in different languages. We will also have info panels on the bus, displaying maps and legal advices about Greece, the destination and transit countries. Most of us have also experienced the situation of coming to Germany as a refugee and are able to share this with people who aim at going there.

Contact: GreeceTour@oplatz.net

30. März 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Frontex Ausgaben 2014-2016 vervierfacht · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Quelle: European Union

Statement of revenue and expenditure of the European Agency for the Management of Operational
Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) for the
financial year 2016

Ausgaben von Frontex in

2014: 064.759.594,00 €
2016 (geplant): 254.035.000,00 €
30. März 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Sicherung der EU-Außengrenze: Lettland baut Zaun zu Russland“ · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Quelle: n-tv

Um einen Flüchtlingszustrom zu verhindern, zieht nun auch Lettland einen Zaun hoch. Damit ist ein weiteres Land bemüht, Migranten den Weg zu versperren. Denn nach Schließung der Balkanroute könnten diese nach neuen Strecken suchen.

Lettland hat mit dem Bau eines Zauns an seiner Grenze zu Russland begonnen. Nach einem Bericht der Zeitung „Neatkariga Rita Avize“ wurde nahe der Kleinstadt Ludza ein drei Kilometer langer Abschnitt fertiggestellt.

Mit dem 2,7 Meter hohen Stacheldrahtzaun solle die illegale Einwanderung an der östlichen EU-Außengrenze eingeschränkt werden, sagte eine Grenzschutzsprecherin. Zur besseren Sicherung der Grenze soll dem Bericht zufolge in diesem Jahr ein 24 Kilometer langer Zaun errichtet werden, der in den kommenden Jahren auf 92 Kilometer verlängert wird. Lettlands Ostgrenze zu Russland ist insgesamt 276 Kilometer lang.

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25. März 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm Phone Weekly Report 14-20 March 2016 · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet

Quelle: Alarm Phone

The week that Europe agrees on inhumane deal with Turkey, many die at sea

On the 18th of March 2016, the EU and its 28 member states agreed on a deal with Turkey that would systematically put into practice collective expulsions of all those arriving in Greece in an ‘irregular’ manner. In return for future visa-free travel for Turkish citizens and 6 billion of Euros, the Turkish government agreed to accept the forceful return of survivors of sea crossings back to Turkish territory. In its desperate attempts to deter migration movements, the EU continues to further externalise its border and declares Turkey a ‘safe country’. Turkey, whose government is waging war internally against the Kurdish population and political opponents, would thus become a de facto prison for millions of refugees (http://w2eu.info/greece.en/articles/greece-turkey-deal.en.html).

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10. März 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Baltische Staaten bauen Zäune gegen Flüchtlinge · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: ,

Quelle: NOS

Estland, Letland en Litouwen verscherpen de grenscontroles en plaatsen hekken langs hun grenzen met Rusland en Wit-Rusland. De Baltische staten vrezen een toestroom van duizenden vluchtelingen, omdat het voor de migranten steeds moeilijker wordt om via de Balkan-route naar Noordwest-Europa te reizen.

Onder meer Macedonië en Bulgarije hebben hekken langs de grens geplaatst. Vele duizenden vluchtelingen zijn daardoor gestrand. De Baltische staten vrezen dat de vluchtelingen nu via de zogenoemde Arctische route hun weg vervolgen.

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21. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Belgium: Zeebrugge refugees numbered with indelible ink and belongings seized · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: ,

Quele: International Busines Times

Police in a village on the coast of Belgium have been assigning serial numbers to refugees while street cleaners have been confiscating their belongings, a support group for refugees has claimed.

Hundreds of refugees have been forced to abandon the camps at Calais and Dunkirk – instead heading for the small port town of Zeebrugge in Belgium, where security has not yet been reinforced. The sleepy port runs services to Hull on England’s east coast, and many are hoping to use it as an alternative route from which to cross into the UK.

In the six weeks since the beginning of January, Belgian authorities have intercepted around 890 migrants without residency papers. Around 450 were en-route to Zeebrugge with the intention of reaching the UK.

Numbered with indelible ink

Amitiés Sans Frontières, a support group for refugees locally described as ‚left-wing‘, claimed refugees in Zeebrugge have told them how police had arrested many of them, before marking them with a number in indelible ink. As the police arrested them, they claimed, sanitary workers threw their sleeping bags and other belongings into trucks.

Loïc Fraiture, of Amitiés Sans Frontières, explained: „A group of Iranians told us police would regularly come and arrest them. It was not the first time (…) And so, there, when they are arrested, the police marks them with a number with a permanent marker on their hands, like animals.“

The Mayor of nearby Bruges, Renaat Landuyt, said he was not aware of the practice, but the police explained why it was marking the refugees with numbers. „The number is used to differentiate them,“ police officer Philippe Tankrey told local media. „When they are arrested, they end up in a collective cell. Some look alike and communication is usually difficult. Because they have no papers, we have decided to use this method in order to facilitate their registration.“

Landuyt added: „The message is: Belgium is not France“.

In Bruges, meanwhile, it was reported police had started attaching a bracelet – similar to ones used in hospitals – to identify refugees after many criticised the inked numbers. The authorities have also been cracking down on refugees by detaining those without papers and placing a ban on setting up tents in the area.

Harassment of refugees

Alexis Deswaef, President of the League of Human Rights, meanwhile claimed the authorities were doing everything to prevent the refugees from congregating on the Belgian coast.

„The League of Human Rights had made an appeal 15 years ago before the European Court of Human Rights for a similar case where Roma Gypsies were arrested – notably in Gand – where police has indicated a number on the forearm and hands of these people.“

„At the time, the European Court of Human Rights pointed to the clumsiness of the police,“ he explained, adding: „It’s almost a harassment of the refugees to ensure they leave because the authorities are fearful about them congregating in Zeebrugge and create a situation comparable to what’s happening in Dunkirk or Calais.“

13. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Mazedonische Grenze: Österreich bereit zur Entsendung von Soldaten“ · Kategorien: Griechenland, Mazedonien, Nicht zugeordnet, Österreich · Tags:

Quelle: Die Welt

Die Regierung in Wien will, dass Mazedonien seine Grenzen besser schützt und so weniger Flüchtlinge in die EU gelangen. Jetzt hat sie der mazedonischen Regierung ein umstrittenes Angebot gemacht.

Im Kampf gegen die Flüchtlingskrise drängt Österreich das Transitland Mazedonien, seine Grenzen möglichst weitgehend zu schließen und bietet dabei Unterstützung durch eigene Soldaten an. Österreichs Außenminister Sebastian Kurz sagte der „Welt“: „Ich unterstütze die Überlegungen für eine zivil-militärische Mission an der griechisch-mazedonischen oder serbisch-mazedonischen Grenze. Mazedonien muss als erstes Land nach Griechenland bereit sein, den Zustrom zu stoppen.“

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03. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „More children and women seek safety in Europe: UNICEF“ · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: , ,

Quelle: UNICEF

GENEVA, 2 February 2016 – For the first time since the start of the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe, there are more children and women on the move than adult males, says UNICEF.

Children and women now make up nearly 60 percent of refugees and migrants crossing the border from Greece to Gevgelijia in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Children currently account for 36 percent of those risking the treacherous sea crossing between Greece and Turkey. This figure could be higher however as many children do not declare their age until they have reached their destination.

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01. Februar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Report on Push backs and Police violence at the Serbo-Croatian border · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet

Quelle: Moving Europe

“This is not an equal distribution of rights”
[Refugee from Pakistan in Belgrade, 23/1/2016]

During the last weeks we talked to around 100 people who are stuck in Belgrade. Through the conversations and discussions with these refugees, we realized that the stories we listened to were not only single and isolated personal experiences, but that they form a pattern: A pattern of structural violence, which is enacted upon the refugees to prevent them from travelling on and to regain control over their lives and futures. This is not done by Croatian authorities alone. This strategy is part of an EU-wide strategy to restrict flight, migration and the freedom of movement.

„I want to go to a different place. Some nights I sleep on the streets in Belgrade, some nights I take the train to Šid to sleep in the camp there, without money, without anything, with the hope they let me pass, as we are many. We have to hide to enter in the camp in Šid as our documents expired. We sleep there, and we try to pass again, and again, and again. Two days ago I tried to enter the Krnjača camp. They didn’t let me in because they said my documents expired. The guard at the entrance didn’t let us in, he was saying “Go, go, go away!”. I asked him why other people are welcomed to sleep in the camp, and we are treat like animals. We are left to sleep in the streets, in the cold and snow, while others can at least get warm in the camp. I didn’t try to pass the border on foot. It is too cold and I don’t know if I could make it in these conditions. There are many people that tried to cross on foot, but Croatian police caught them. I have seen police violence; I saw many people assaulted by Croatian police.“ (M., 26 years old)

Read the complete report here

28. Januar 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Wie Facebook zum Flüchtlingshelfer wird“ · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Quelle: Hamburger Abendblatt

Das soziale Netzwerk Facebook ist die Schwarmintelligenz der Verzweifelten. Ihnen dient es als Ratgeber, Tagebuch und Notrufzentrale.

Von Christian Unger

Berlin. Der Wind wird stark sein. Er soll mit 60 Stundenkilometern über das östliche Mittelmeer fegen. Zain postet ein Foto mit dem Wetterbericht für die Inseln zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland in der Gruppe auf Facebook. Und er schreibt: „Achtung! Wichtig! Unerwartet starke Winde in der Ägäis, auf allen Inseln, von Freitag bis Sonntag, mit hohen Wellen. Bitte unterlasst die Überfahrten.“ Eine Flucht wäre lebensgefährlich. An diesem kalten Januarwochenende umso mehr.

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