Statewatch hat gerade Pläne von Frontex und Europol für 2015 veröffentlicht!
Even if you might consider them largely symbolic, it is the small things that matter, and that make the difference. The police, who had for many years been stationed at the main streets leading into the Athenian neighbourhood of Exarchia, has withdrawn today. The fences around the parliament, which were both the symbolical as well as material limits of the movements against austerity and memorandum politics of the last five years, have been taken away today as the press was taking pictures of the new government. That many people who had been fired over the last years have been re-instated, is however not symbolic anymore, but an important vindication of the resistance that has been put up, despite waning hope that the memorandum politics could be reversed.
Pressemitteilung vom 29.01.2014
Strafe für lebensrettende Fluchthilfe?
Der Arbeitskreis kritischer Juristinnen und Juristen Freiburg rechnet mit einem Freispruch für sogenannte „Schleuserbande“.
Ab dem 30. Januar wird am Landgericht Freiburg der Fall von drei mutmaßlichen Mitgliedern einer sogenannten „Schleuserbande“ verhandelt. Den Angeklagten wird vorgeworfen, Einbrüche in Rathäuser in Auftrag gegeben, die dabei erbeuteten Blankodokumente zum Fälschen von Ausweisen verwendet und so syrischen Flüchtlinge die Einreise nach Deutschland ermöglicht zu haben.