05. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für USA: „Border Patrol’s use of deadly force criticized in report“ – latimes · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

„Border Patrol’s use of deadly force criticized in reportAn independent review of U.S. Border Patrol shootings criticizes the agency for ‚lack of diligence‘ in its investigations and suggests that agents‘ tactics sometimes create a pretext to open fire. […]“

via Border Patrol’s use of deadly force criticized in report – latimes.com

05. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Can you break into Fortress Europe? – interactive“ – the guardian · Kategorien: Syrien, Türkei · Tags:

The refugee challenge: can you break into Fortress Europe? – interactive

As EU governments have made it harder to seek refuge in Europe, the flow of refugees fleeing the world’s most desperate conflicts is increasing. We invite you to make the choices real refugees have to make and find out what it’s really like to look for safety in Fortress Europe.

Your name is Karima. You are a 28-year-old Sunni woman from Aleppo, and you have two children, a girl aged eight, and a 10-year-old boy. Your husband was killed in a mortar attack three months ago. The air strikes have continued – a recent bomb, you hear, killed 87 children – and you now feel you must try to leave Syria.Many of your friends and family have already fled, most to neighbouring countries where they are in refugee camps; few have travelled into Europe. Only 55,000 Syrian refugees – 2.4 per cent of the total number of people who have fled Syria – have claimed asylum in the EU.You have some money you could use for your journey – you consider your options.

via The refugee challenge: can you break into Fortress Europe? – interactive | Global development | theguardian.com.

05. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libysche Küstenwache, EUBAM: Elektronische Algorithmen für Flüchtingsjagd · Kategorien: Libyen · Tags: , , ,

Coastguard Search and Rescue skills boosted by training

The Libyan Naval Coastguard learnt how to use highly-advanced software to find vessels lost at sea

The Libyan Naval Coastguard’s Search and Rescue (SAR) skills have been  boosted by training on modern computerised methods to find vessels stranded at  sea.

The training, organised by the EU Border Assistance Mission to Libya (EUBAM  Libya) focused, in particular, on mission coordination during SAR  operations.

“Today’s exercise is about a search for a stranded fishing vessel. We know  that the first search was not successful so we need to engage in a subsequent  search”, EUBAM’s senior Naval Coastguard expert Emmanuel Mallia told the class.  He added that two aircraft were also searching the boat.

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05. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Saudi-Arabien, riesige Abschiebelager: Niederschlagung von Aufständen, Tote · Kategorien: Golfstaaten · Tags: , ,

AP 3 mars 2014

Deportee killed in Saudi detention center riot

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — A detainee died in a stampede during a riot at a Saudi detention center for migrant workers awaiting deportation, police said Monday, adding that nine others were injured.
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05. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Kompass AntiRa Newsletter Nr. 25, März 2014 · Kategorien: Deutschland



05. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Ceuta EU-Zaun: 1.500 Flüchtlinge von marokkanischer Gendarmerie zurückgeschlagen · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien, Video · Tags:

Unter spanischer Aufklärung und Lenkung haben marokkanische Gendarmerie-Einheiten und andere polizeiliche wie parapolizeiliche Truppen 1.500 Flüchtlinge einen Kilometer vor der EU-Grenze zurückgeschlagen. 100 spanische Angehörige der Guardia Civil waren laut El Pais im Hintergrund im Einsatz.

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