Paris denies French press reports of US commandos operating in south
By Libya Herald staff
The Foreign Ministry in Paris has vigorously denied that any French military source had stated that US commandos were operating covertly in southern Libya. It said that a report of the secret operations, carried in Saturday’s edition of the daily Le Figaro, which cited a military source in France, was completely untrue.
The Figaro article had claimed that members of the elite US Delta Force, masquerading as nomads and working with Libyan special forces, had entered southern Libya at the end of last year in an undercover search and destroy mission targeting Al-Qaeda.
“The information published in a Figaro article dated 1 February is unfounded. It did not emanate from French military sources,” a Foreign Ministry statement said. It added: “No foreign military intervention is being considered in southern Libya. Libya is a sovereign and independent country.
Citing “a diplomatic source in Tunis”, Le Figaro had also claimed that US forces were stationed at a secret military base in Tataouine governorate in the south of Tunisia, near the Libyan border.
The allegations have drawn similar strong denials from the US and Tunisian authorities.
Despite an article last November in the usually authoritative Paris magazine Jeune Afrique also stating that there was a US base at the town of Remada, 70 kilometres south of Tataouine, and, the following month, a similar claim in an Algerian newspaper, the reports have generally been received with considerable scepticism – mainly on the basis that it would be almost impossible to hide an Amercian base next to a town of over 5,000 inhabitants.
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Des commandos américains dans le Sud libyen
Par Georges Malbrunot, Thierry Oberlé
«Depuis la fin de l’année dernière, des unités Delta, déguisées en nomades, encadrent des membres des forces spéciales libyennes dans leur chasse contre al-Qaida dans le sud du pays», affirme au Figaro une source militaire française. «Les États-Unis estiment que la menace de désintégration du Sud libyen est telle qu’ils ne peuvent plus se contenter d’un simple traitement aérien de cette menace.» Ces équipes mixtes sont appuyées par des drones et d’autres moyens de reconnaissance aériens, qui repèrent des convois jugés suspects. «Ensuite, à bord de leur 4×4, les commandos se rapprochent de la cible, et la plupart du temps, les Américains laissent les Libyens traiter l’objectif», précise la source.
via Des commandos américains dans le Sud libyen