29. Januar 2013 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libyens Marine rüstet mit 50 Schnellbooten gegen Boat-people auf · Kategorien: Frankreich, Libyen · Tags: , ,

„Libya buys RHIBs for coastal patrols

Written by Oscar Nkala/defenceWeb Tuesday, 29 January 2013 13:28

The Libyan government has ordered 50 rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBS) from French company Sillinger for delivery in March this year. […] semi-rigid inflatable boats ranging between 3.80 metres and 12 meters in length to the Libyan armed forces. […] The 1200 RIB UM is one of the largest and most advanced of Sillinger’s military offerings and is able to carry up to 25 people. Weapons options include a 7.62 or 5.56 mm gun on each side and a 12.7 mm machinegun on the front. […] Sillinger boats are widely used by French Navy commandos and the French Customs, particularly the 580 RIB UM, a boat designed for open sea surveillance or insertion operations.“

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