29. Dezember 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Rom – Salaam Palace, Ort der afrikanischen Flüchtlinge · Kategorien: Eritrea, Italien · Tags: , ,

„New York Times“, 26 décembre 2012


by Elisabetta Povoledo

„ROM  – Das verlassene Gebäude in einem Vorort von Rom, einfach bekannt unter dem Namen Salaam Palace,war einst eine wenig genutzte Auffangstelle für Neuankommende aus Afria – auf der Flucht vor Krieg, Verfolgung und wirtschaftlicher Misere – , die das Gebäude besetzt hatten, um dort ihr eigenes Refugium aufzubauen. r own refuge.“
Weiter heisst es im Artikel: „Over the years, scattered mattresses were joined by sloppily plastered plywood walls, slapdash doors and scavenged furniture. Today an irregular warren of cubbyholes includes a small restaurant and a common room. On a recent cold afternoon, a hammer clinked as a bathroom was added to a one-room home where an oven door was left open for heat.

Today more than 800 refugees inhabit Salaam Palace, and its dilapidation and seeming permanence have become a vivid reminder of what its residents and others say is Italy’s failure to assist and integrate those who have qualified for asylum under its laws.

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29. Dezember 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenland: News from the “Village of All Together” – Lesbos, 27.12.2012 · Kategorien: Griechenland · Tags:

News from the “Village of All Together” – Dec 27th
Posted on December 28, 2012

The network of volunteer organisations and active civilians of Lesvos “Village of All Together” reached it’s 100th day of life. The initiatives of the VoAT were supported by members of our network, the social polyclinic, farmacy and shops, offering food supply for families who can not afford buying food and the reception / hosting of migrants and refugees. Finally the VoAT organised a support initiative for a village that had recently been hit by strong rainfalls. With the functioning of PIKPA as an open reception centre for migrants and refugees we experienced a wave of volunteering and solidarity from the local society surpassing all our expectations.

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29. Dezember 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Wien: Flüchtlingsprotest-Camp Solidarität · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Please sign the following statement of solidarity with the refugee protesters of the evicted protest camp in Vienna. The hungerstrikers among them are still in the church neighbouring the camp and will stay there as long as possible. We want to put some friendly pressure on Austrian politics to finally react.

Please sign the statement by sending your signature to refugeeprotestvienna-solidarity@riseup.net, subject: solidarity Vienna.
From tomorrow early morning on you can also sign online.
Please spread the statement! We urgently need solidarity statements of persons, groups, the more and the more prominent, the better.Thank you all,

All our support and solidarity to the protest of migrants and asylum seekers in Vienna!

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29. Dezember 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Wien: Flüchtlingsprotest-Camp geräumt · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Youtube VIDEO Link!

Räumung des Refugeecamp um 4h früh


Call from the refugee protest camp in Wien


*English version below*

Video: Police Eviction of the Refugee Protest Camp Vienna Today at 4am /

Polizeiliche Räumung des Refugee Protest Camp in Wien heute um 4 Uhr

NEWSTICKER 28.12.2012

Morgen finden aus Anlass der brutalen Räumung des RefugeeProtestCamps Solidaritäts-Demos bzw. Kundgebungen in Linz – Salzburg – München und Wien statt!

Weitere Städte folgen vielleicht. Unser gemeinsames Motto bleibt: We will rise!

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