22. Dezember 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mali: hrw warnt vor steigender „ethnisch motivierter“ Brutalität des malischen Militärs · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags: ,

Mali: Rising Ethnic Tensions Threaten New Violence
New Prime Minister Should Tackle Rising Tension, Rein in Abusive Army
December 20, 2012
Mali’s new prime minister needs to tackle an array of human rights problems, but an abusive military and rising ethnic tensions in the country should top the list. If not addressed, these abuses will seriously interfere with organizing national elections and worsen conditions in the north.
Corinne Dufka, senior West Africa researcher at Human Rights Watch

(Nairobi) – Mali’s newly appointed prime minister, Diango Sissoko, should take urgent measures to end rights abuses by the security forces and address rising ethnic tensions linked to the occupied northern provinces, Human Rights Watch said today. Sissoko was appointed prime minister of the country’s transitional government on December 11, 2012, a day after the military forced Prime Minister Cheick Modibo Diarra – in office since April –to resign.

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