22. Dezember 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für EU finanziert flüchtlingsfeindliche Grenzabschottung Mauretaniens und Nigers gegenüber Mali · Kategorien: Mali, Sahara · Tags: ,


Mauritania – Using EU funding to develop integrated border management policies

Located at the intersection of North and sub-Saharan Africa, Mauritania is a natural country of transit for emigrants and immigrants alike. With the support of its partners and a wide array of European funding sources, Mauritania has developed a large number of projects to improve border management (Objective 4 of the Dakar Strategy).

Controlling migratory flows by strengthening border management and controls, as well as informing and assisting illegal migrants, is one of the priorities of the national migration management strategy. Since 2006, the European Union has supported Mauritania’s efforts to manage migration at a with more than EUR 16 million delivered through a variety of instruments. By seeking assistance from its partners and various financial instruments, Mauritania has been able to obtain comprehensive support for its efforts to address humanitarian needs, security concerns and development objectives.
On the issue of migration, the European Union is Mauritania’s main financial partner. Initially, in response to a wave of illegal immigration from Mauritania to the Canary Islands, measures were taken to meet emergency needs and build the authorities‘ capacities in view of the growing influx of illegal migrants in transit as well as those seeking asylum in its territory.
Subsequently, the European Union made use of several financial instruments to help Mauritania improve border management. Adopted in 2008, a project financed by the ninth European Development Fund (EDF) provides for the construction and equipment of several border crossings (EUR 1.2 million), among other measures. Another project, funded under the Stability Instrument (EUR 1.22 million), provides additional support for construction, renovation, equipment and training at the 45 priority border crossing points.
In order to enhance its border security agent training programme and improve its ongoing process of registering foreigners residing in its territory, the Mauritanian government has asked the EU for specific short-term assistance through the MIEUX programme (Migration EU eXpertise), funded by the Migration and Asylum Thematic Programme. This assistance will be provided in 2013. Measures to strengthen asylum policies are also foreseen and another Thematic Programme project seeks to update legislation and build local authorities‘ capacities to process asylum requests and open reception facilities (EUR 1.35 million).
At the regional level, a number of measures have been taken to strengthen cooperative efforts in the area of migration and security management. A project seeking to improve police cooperation in Sahel region countries is being funded by the Migration and Asylum Thematic Programme (EUR 1.95 million). In addition, the Stability Instrument is funding a project to strengthen regional security (EUR 6.7 million). This project, which covers Mali, Mauritania and Niger, seeks to build capacities in the law enforcement and court systems.
Faced with migration challenges of an unprecedented scope and complexity, in 2010 Mauritania started a process to develop a new migration management strategy with the support of the European Union. This strategy takes an integrated approach to migratory phenomena, involving the departments of seven ministries and incorporating three sector-specific themes (the relationship between migration and development, the relationship between migration and population, and entry control for better protection of vulnerable migrants) and one crossdisciplinary theme (knowledge of migratory phenomena and consistency of efforts). The national strategy includes measures to: to increase knowledge and strengthen monitoring and assessment of migration; improve compliance with migrants‘ rights; forge stronger ties with the diaspora community; better inform and educate the public about migration and the trafficking of migrant children; improve asylum management; improve the quality of information and assistance provided to illegal migrants; and strengthen border controls.
The strategy was developed in accordance with the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, with a focus on promoting complementarity and synergy. The  action plan describes the programmes foreseen by each partner and potential funding sources. Under the tenth EDF EUR 8 million is foreseen to fund the implementation of the national migration strategy. This project supported by the Sahel Strategy, provides EUR 3 million to expand the scope of application of the 10th EDF project and include border crossing points managed by the gendarmerie.
It should be noted that additional initiatives are also being supported by EU Member States. Germany, Spain and France are full partners in Mauritania’s efforts to manage migration, including facilitating trade. These countries anticipate taking measures that include creating border crossing points and building the national authorities‘ capacities to manage migratory flows. The possibility of increased cooperation with Senegal andthe creation of common border crossings between the two countries is being explored.
Mauritania has been able to combine the aid and expertise it has received from its various partners to ensure the creation of anetwork of 45 border crossing points and their interconnection, with the aim of transmitting and centralising data on incoming and outgoing flows of people. This data is then input and co-managed by the regular police force and gendarmerie. The Mauritanian government has taken measures to improve management of migration flows through improved border management and tighter controls. It aims to ensure better resource allocation, improved sharing of resources and eventually better cooperation between the various law enforcement agencies (police, gendarmerie, and customs). These efforts are consistent with the integrated approach advocated by the national migration management strategy and will be accompanied by measures promoting migration and development and strengthening the protection of vulnerable migrants.

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