10. August 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Griechenlands Abschiebeknäste in der Evros-Region · Kategorien: Griechenland

Die wohl ausführlichste Dokumentation (96 Seiten!) zur Situation in den Knästen der Evros-Region an der türkisch-griechischen Grenze, die es bislang gibt:

Published on April 12, 2012
PRO ASYL Foundation and Friends of PRO ASYL in co-operation with the Greek Council for Refugees and Infomobile/Welcome to Europe
*Accounts from the Inside: The Detention Centres of Evros*
Obviously, Europe’s main concern is the creation of »walls« in order to hinder or to prevent the access to its territory. Physical walls like the fence, the moat and border controls in Evros but also invisible walls that are constituted by the lack of protection to those in need, rights denials, systematic detention, detention and living conditions violating human dignity, Readmission Agreements and the Dublin II Regulation. The effects of these heightening walls have their most tragic face in the many lost and dead at border. This is why we chose to speak about walls of shame in this report.



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