09. August 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Crossing Borders! Nr. 10 · Kategorien: Deutschland, Italien, Tunesien
The last issue of Crossing Borders! was published more than one year ago, but we still continue and the new issue is dedicated to young migrants who were born, grew up or are in transit in Europe. They live on their own skin the social effects of European immigration and externalisation policy, but they are also protagonists of new forms of resistance and prepare the future of migrant struggles in Europe and against the borders. One year after the riots in the UK, a generation with a history of migration took the centre of the scenes, transforming a condition defined as ‚marginal‘ by social assistants and politicians into a central one. The so called ’second generations‘ refuse to remain hidden in the small spaces imposed to them. Thus, the objective of this new issue is to offer a European perspective that, while telling of specific moments of struggle or conditions of resistance, is capable of crossing the borders of different legislations and particular situations, enabling a general vision of the conditions of migrant youth. The new generations in movement challenge the social borders created by institutionalized racism and the reproduction of exploitation every day, that we wish to present and narrate these diverse experiences of struggles. From the UK to Patras, crossing Italy, Germany or France, thousands young are forcing the borders of citizenships and the States, the borders of their social exploitation. They are living crossing the borders…


09. August 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Riots und MigrantInnen – London, ein Jahr danach · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags:

Riots in black and white. London, one year after

In the summer 2011 hundreds of people from poor areas of the UK, many of whom were British citizens with migration background, got involved in riots with the police, streets fires and looting. The riots started in the North of London on the 5th of August to then spread to other cities in England including Birmingham, Liverpool, Nottingham, Manchester and Salford. They were expressions of the racial and social segregation experienced especially by the youth in segregated neighborhoods across the country.

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09. August 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Schneller und teurer Weizenimport nach Algerien · Kategorien: Algerien · Tags:
Trotz guter Ernten und der Ankündigung, im Jahr 2012 kein Getreide importieren zu wollen, hat Algerien in diesen Tagen überraschend viel und zu gestiegenen Preisen französischen Weizen importiert.
Le Quotidien d’Oran, 09.08.2012
09. August 2012 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Reportage über Kasserine, Hochburg des tunesischen Aufstands · Kategorien: Tunesien · Tags: ,

Was ist aus der Hochburg des tunesischen Aufstands geworden? Reportage in El Watan, 08.08.2012: „Die tunesische Nationalgarde lässt die Schmuggler auf der Landstraße nach Kasserine in Ruhe, wo sie zu etwas Geld kommen. Die Verkäufer des algerischen Benzins sind zahlreicher als die Grillstände geworden. (…) In Tunesien macht die informelle Ökonomie 30% des BSP aus, hier mehr als 50 %.“

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