Monastir (Tunisia), 12th to 17th July 2012
We invite you to join us in Monastir, from the 12th to the 17th of July, where we will launch together the process towards the World Social Forum 2013.
At the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, Tunisian people, quickly joined by Egyptians, have launched a global wave of protests, insurrections, revolutions, indignation and occupations, which spread all over the world.
From Maghreb to the Middle-East, this wave has initiated a deep political upheaval. In Europe, it is a source of inspiration for all those who struggle against austerity. In the United States of America, it questions the power of financial institutions, of banks and of the weight of debt (be it households’ or students’ debt). In Chile, Quebec or Mexico, it takes the shape of mass mobilizations for the free access to education. In Senegal, it has definitely planted the claim for a real democracy, which would put an end to corruption, prevarication and nepotism.
Everywhere, they articulate the desire for a real and direct democracy with the violations of fundamental rights caused by zombie-capitalism. They all share the certitude that another world is possible, based on our struggles and the alternatives we are exploring on a daily basis.
The economic, financial, social, ecological and climate crisis are not, in any way, fatalities. Debt and austerity do not represent the impassable horizon of our future. We won’t pay a debt that is not ours: public or odious, it was imposed to us by financial institutions, by banks, by financial advisors seeking for their personal enrichment (and the one of their shareholders), even if it ends up destroying the planet and our lives. We’re not condemned to undergo violations of the freedom of movement, nor to accept that European and North-American countries turn into fortresses, built on racism and inequalities. Against any form of occupation, colonization and war, we can fight for the rights of the people, and their freedom to decide for their destiny, their borders and their future.
From the streets of Kasserine to those of Montreal, through Tahrir Square, Puertal del Sol, Zucotti/Liberty Square, Syntagma square, etc.: this is the other world that we, the 99%, are currently building.
We invite you all to join us in Monastir, from the 12th to the 17th of July, for a global preparatory Assembly to the next World Social Forum, which will also take place in Tunisia, in march 2013.
We’ve already planed a series of meetings and discussions with Tunisian organizations involved in the 2011 revolution. We will also welcome an international flotilla expressing its solidarity with migrants, which will join Monastir from the European shores through Lampedusa; have meetings between the young actors of the revolution in the Maghreb/Mashreq region and indignados, occupiers and activists from the Senegalese Y’en A Marre movement, etc.; host an assembly of Maghreb/Mashreq social movements; have a seminar on welfare policies and common goods; host a meeting of the council of the African Social Forum and the International Council of the WSF, etc.
For more information: