14. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Italienische Küstenwache rettet 550 Flüchtlinge von Schlauchbooten“ · Kategorien: Italien, Mittelmeer · Tags:

Quelle: NZZ | 14.01.2017

Trotz Kälte versuchen immer noch Flüchtlinge übers Mittelmeer zu gelangen. Die italienische Küstenwache hat am Freitagabend unter schwierigen Bedingungen Hunderte von Personen, die auf Schlauchbooten unterwegs waren, in Sicherheit gebracht.

(sda/afp) Italiens Küstenwache hat am Freitag rund 550 Flüchtlinge aus dem Mittelmeer gerettet. Die Menschen hätten sich auf vier Schlauchbooten befunden und seien in Einsätzen unter Leitung der Küstenwache auf sichere Schiffe gebracht worden, teilte die Küstenwache mit.

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13. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Libya Rescue Operations Continue Despite Harsh Weather Conditions · Kategorien: Nicht zugeordnet · Tags: ,

Quelle: Read True | 13.03.2017

On 12 January, IOM officials met with Libya’s Minister of Defence at the North African country’s Navy Base to discuss ways of improving Libyan rescue-at-sea operations.

During the one-day visit, IOM also met with the leadership of the Libyan Coast Guard to discuss the outcomes of a needs assessment conducted last year. This assessment aimed to identify ways to improve the infrastructure of Libyan disembarkation points and enhance the capacity of government agencies involved in rescue operations. A work-plan for a capacity building programme was discussed during the meeting and concrete steps for the rehabilitation and provision of communication equipment was agreed.

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12. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Bounties not Bodies: Smugglers Profit from Sea Rescues Though No Clear Alternative Available“ · Kategorien: Italien, Lesetipps, Libyen, Mittelmeer · Tags: , ,

Quelle: MSF | 23.12.2016

If smugglers take advantage of rescue at sea, so be it. The alternative is letting people drown.

By Aurélie Ponthieu

The Financial Times reported that the European Union accuses MSF and other humanitarian organisations running search and rescue operations in the Central Mediterranean of working in collusion with smugglers or at least helping them to carry out their deadly trade. These allegations were made based on an internal report from the European border agency, Frontex. MSF requested Frontex to share this report with us, which they declined. Instead, they refute they accuse humanitarian agencies of collusion, but raise a number of concerns with our search and rescue operations.

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07. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „184 migrants already rescued at sea off Libyan coast in 2017: IOM Libya“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Quelle: Libya Herald | 06.01.2017

The International Organization for Migration Libya (IOM) has reported that already, 184 migrants have been rescued at sea off the Libyan coast. The migrants were rescued in two separate operations. In 2016 a total of 18,904 were rescued off the Libyan coast.

Between 17 December 2016 and 6 January 2017 a total of 366 were rescued and 10 bodies were retrieved at sea.

Off the western city of Zawia, 62 were rescued on 23 December (56 men and 6 women) and five bodies were retrieved from sea.

A total of 65 were rescued off the capital Tripoli (60 men and 5 women) and five bodies were retrieved on 4 January this year.

Meanwhile, 120 were rescued off Khoms (71 men and 49 women) on 22 December and another 119 (87 men, 26 women and 6 children) were rescued on 2 January this year.

In 2016, there were a total of 181,436 migrant arrivals by sea recorded in Italy from the Libyan coast and a total of 4,576 deaths at sea.

04. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „First sea rescues of migrants setting off from Libya in 2017: 230 saved“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Quelle: Libya Herald | 03.01.2017

Various NGOs report that they continued in the early hours of the first day of 2017 to rescue migrants from the Mediterranean Sea setting off from Libya.

The Maltese-based Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) rescue ship, the Aquarius, carried out its first search and rescue operation just outside Libyan territorial waters in the early hours of the first of January 2017 saving 114 people. The horror continues’’ reported MSF.

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04. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Boat-people: 228 flüchten Anfang 2017 nach Andalusien · Kategorien: Marokko, Spanien · Tags:

Quelle: EcoDiario | 03.01.2017

Salvamento rescata a 30 subsaharianos de una patera que había alcanzado la isla de Alborán

La embarcación Salvamar Hamal de Salvamento Marítimo ha rescatado en la tarde de este martes a una treintena de varones, todos adultos y de origen subsahariano, que viajaban en una patera después de que ésta hubiera alcanzado la isla de Alborán.

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02. Januar 2017 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Rescatadas tres pateras con 112 inmigrantes en Málaga, Granada y Almería“ · Kategorien: Spanien · Tags: ,

Quelle: El Pais | 01.01.2017

Salvamento Marítimo ha localizado las embarcaciones, con tres menores a bordo

Salvamento Marítimo ha rescatado tres pateras con 112 inmigrantes a bordo esta mañana al sur de la costa de Málaga y el Mar de Alborán. Tres menores figuran entre los tripulantes de la primera embarcación, que ha llegado al puerto de Málaga a primera hora de esta tarde, tras ser rescatada por la Salvamar Alnitakde Salvamento Marítimo. En el segundo rescate se han localizado a 32 personas, dos de ellas mujeres y una treintena hombres, y en el tercero 28, de los cuales tres eran mujeres y 25 hombres. Ambas pateras fueron rescatadas en el Mar de Alborán, al sur de Almería, y todos los inmigrantes se encuentran en buen estado de salud.

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30. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Italienische Küstenwache rettet hunderte Flüchtlinge“ · Kategorien: Italien, Mittelmeer · Tags: ,

Quelle: Deutschlandfunk | 29.12.2016

Im Mittelmeer sind erneut zahlreiche Flüchtlinge gerettet worden.

Die italienische Küstenwache sprach von 900 Menschen. Die Migranten seien gestern Abend von mehreren Booten geholt worden. Nach Darstellung des Flüchtlingshilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen kamen in diesem Jahr bereits mehr als 180.000 Menschen an den italienischen Küsten an, gut 173.000 erreichten auf dem Seeweg Griechenland.

23. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „Altri 270 migranti salvati nel Canale di Sicilia“ · Kategorien: Italien, Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Quelle: La Stampa | 22.12.2016


Altri migranti sono sbarcati oggi a Trapani dopo essere stati soccorsi nel Canale di Sicilia dalla nave della nostra Marina Militare “Diciotti”. In totale 270 persone, un centinaio di nigeriani, alcuni del Bangladesh e dall’area sub sahariana. Dalla nave, che si è ormeggiata nel primo pomeriggio al molo Ronciglio, dove è stato allestito un solido cordone di sicurezza e di accoglienza, forze dell’ordine, Cri, Protezione Civile, Volontari, sono anche scese otto salme, i corpi senza vita di otto uomini che la nave della nostra Guardia Costiera ha preso a bordo durante la navigazione verso Trapani, trasbordati da una nave militare inglese e da un rimorchiatore, migranti che facevano parte di altri barconi intercettati su quella che è diventata la “rotta del dolore”, tra la Libia e la Sicilia.

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21. Dezember 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „IOM reports 18,722 rescued off Libyan coast in 2016“ · Kategorien: Libyen, Mittelmeerroute · Tags:

Quelle: Libya Herald | 20.12.2016

By Sami Zaptia

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reports that 18,722 have been rescued in maritime incidents off the western Libyan coastline in 2016. Between 2-16 December 165 were rescued and 51 bodies were retrieved from sea.

The majority of those rescued, 139 on 14 December, were off the coast of Zuwara. There were 20 estimated fatalities. Off the coast of Tajura 49 were rescued between 5-11 December. While off Zawia 26 were rescued and two bodies were retrieved on 13 December.

These latest maritime incidents figures come as the IOM reports that 358,156 migrants or refugees entered Europe by sea through Italy or Greece up to 19 December. Through Italy, 179,523 arrived by sea, overwhelmingly through Libya, representing a 20 percent rise on 2015 figures.

The IOM also reports that there were 4,901 deaths at sea which represents one death for every 73 migrants/refugees who arrive safely in Europe.