03. November 2016 · Kommentare deaktiviert für „EU migrant rescue program for Libya faces risks“ · Kategorien: Europa, Libyen · Tags:

Quelle: Fox News

A European Union task force that’s training the Libyan coast guard to intercept migrant traffickers acknowledges there will be safety risks.

The head of Operation Sophia said Wednesday the training program expects to see Libyan forces take control „in the spring of next year“ of rescue operations in their territorial waters, where about 3,000 migrants die annually.

Rear Adm. Enrico Credendino added, however, that with the country in turmoil, it’s difficult to ensure rescues will be carried out safely and according to international law, and that migrants brought back to Libya can be cared for properly.

The program has come under scrutiny amid reports that Libyan naval vessels opened fire on migrant and charity boats. Also, questions remain on how Libya can manage migrants returned to its shores.

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