02. Dezember 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Alarm phone: Safety at sea, Aegean Sea – English · Kategorien: Alarm Phone, Griechenland, Türkei · Tags:

Risks, Rights & Safety at Sea – EN

This information leaflet is for people who are considering to cross the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey.

The undocumented crossing constitutes an offence both in Greece and Turkey and is above all very dangerous. This document aims neither to deter nor to encourage people to attempt the crossing but seeks to provide objective information about risks, rights and vital safety measures to take at sea.

We wish that the information contained in this document can save your life but you should know it will not make the crossing safer. For twenty years, the EU has been denying visas for most applicants. At the same time wars, conflicts and poverty are forcing out of their countries many people who wish to seek protection in Europe.

Despite the lack of legal ways to reach European territory and despite life-threatening dangers, many of you decide to emigrate anyway and cross the sea-border.

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