Im Zentrum der Studie steht die Schiffskatastrophe vom 11.10.2013, bei der 270 Bootsflüchtlinge starben: wegen bewusster Verzögerung der Seenotrettung durch Italien und Malta
„It is reasonable to question whether Italy and Malta acted promptly and with all available resources to save the refugees and migrants and whether a delay in going to their rescue contributed to the shipwreck,“ Amnesty International said in its report noted. MaltaToday has filed a Freedom of Information request on the details of the rescue mission that has been refused by the AFM and is under review by the Information and Data Protection Commissioner. Amnesty said the migrants, whose boat was taking on water after being shot at by a Libyan vessel, were rescued at least 5-6 hours after their first emergency call. They appealed to Italy first, but were told they had to call Malta because of their location. Once alerted, Maltese authorities were said to have been slow in assuming charge of operations, and not to have involved passing cargo ships, while an Italian navy vessel allegedly sailed towards the wreck at less than full speed, leaving first rescue duties to Malta.
by Duncan Barry
Amnesty International today questioned whether Malta and Italy acted swiftly to save migrants which had ended up drowning after their boat took in water off Lampedusa on 11 October last year. 270 migrants had perished as a result of the shipwreck.
In a detailed report issued today, Amnesty International said that the Libyan vessel shooting at the refugee and migrants’ boat was definitely one of the causes of the shipwreck, but added that it is reasonable to question whether Italy and Malta acted promptly and with all available resources in a bid to save the occupants from drowning and whether a delay in going to their rescue was another cause of the tragedy.
“Both Italy and Malta had claimed that they acted in full compliance with their obligations under the 1979 SAR Convention. However, prima facie, at the very least the following possible breaches of SAR obligations emerge: the failure of the captain of the Libra to direct herself a full speed towards the boat requesting assistance, as required by the SOLAS Convention; the failure of the Italian authorities to order her to do so, as required by UNCLOS; and the failure of the Maltese authorities to provide assistance to the boat after officially having taken charge of the case, as required by SAR Convention, by ensuring coordination and cooperation with other states, namely Italy,” an section of the report carrying a sub title ‘Lack of accountability’, read.
The report also includes documented excerpts of survivors of the tragedy.
One survivor by the name of Mohammed Kazkji, 22 from Syria and who is an electrical engineering student, is quoted saying that “I cannot look into the sea. I lost my friend Yahea, maybe I lost my soul and my mind in the sea; I hate the sea, I cannot look at it.”
This report comes after this newsroom had published a series of articles after the tragedy, including that documentation that the Armed Forces of Malta said substantiates its sequence of events during the 11 October migrant tragedy off Lampedusa remained unpublished.
This newsroom had also reported how several documents, maps and eyewitness accounts convincingly suggested that the Maltese government took what was the riskiest of the six choices it had available on 11 October.
Una tragedia rimossa , anche dopo i reportage e le denunce di Fabrizio Gatti
„Tre chiamate di soccorso via satellite ignorate. Due ore di attesa in mare. Per poi scoprire che l’Italia non aveva mobilitato nessun aereo, nessuna nave della Marina, nessuna vedetta della Guardia costiera. Anzi, dopo due ore, la centrale operativa italiana ha detto ai profughi alla deriva a 100 chilometri da Lampedusa che avrebbero dovuto telefonare loro a Malta, lontana almeno 230 chilometri. Due ore perse: dalle 11 alle 13 di venerdì 11 ottobre. Se gli italiani si fossero mobilitati subito o avessero immediatamente passato l’allarme ai colleghi alla Valletta, la strage non ci sarebbe stata“.
Questo il video diffuso da Corriere TV pochi giorni fa, alla vigilia della pubblicazione del rapporto di Amnesty International, si riferisce alla strage dell’11 ottobre, ma la cronaca giornalistica lo riferisce di sfuggita, un video privo di contesto, forse era troppo difficile dare conto della catena di comando che decideva gli interventi in mare, con tutto il merito ed il rispetto per gli uomini e le donne che hanno salvato vite umane. Chi ha messo il comandante Catia ed i suoi uomini nella terribile condizione di dovere „scegliere“ ? Una domanda che potrà avere risposta solo dalle indagini della magistratura.