31. März 2014 · Kommentare deaktiviert für Mittelmeer Militarisierung: „Mediterranean flows“ – Analysis by EP DG for External Policies · Kategorien: Algerien, Italien, Libyen, Marokko, Mittelmeerroute, Spanien, Tunesien · Tags: , ,

by Niels Frenzen

“Mediterranean flows into Europe: Migration and the EU’s foreign policy”

Analysis by European Parliament DG for External Policies

The EP’s Directorate-General for External Policies just released an Analysis, “Mediterranean flows into Europe: Migration and the EU’s foreign policy,” in which it reviews the EU’s external policies and instruments relating to migration in the Mediterranean, including the Mediterranean Task Force established after 3 October 2013 tragedy at Lampedusa in which over 350 people died.The Analysis describes the serious shortcomings of the security-driven approach that has been taken by the EU.

Noting, for example, that “it is unclear whether the militarisation of EU border management resulting from a tighter relation between the CSDP and Frontex will actually save lives or create even more danger for migrants” and that “[t]he increasing militarisation of the issue of irregular migration was underscored in December 2013, when the European Council called for the establishment of an EU Maritime Security Strategy by June 2014 as well as for increased synergies between the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy CSDP and freedom/security/justice actors to tackle illegal migration.”

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